low Energy COnsumption NETworks National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications Telecommunication Networks and Telematics Laboratory Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering, and Naval Architecture (DITEN) – University of Genoa, Italy Panel Discussion: Enablers and Roadblocks for Green Networking Franco Davoli
Enablers Increased network flexibility Application-/service-aware offloading tasks Relevance of the network edge …dynamic allocation, migration, and orchestration of ensembles of virtual machines across wide areas of interconnected edge networks Use of special-purpose equipment may be more energy-efficient, but the advantages of consolidation and increased flexibility should allow increased gains. 2 A. Manzalini, R. Minerva, F. Callegati, W. Cerroni, A. Campi, “Clouds of Virtual Machines in Edge Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 51, no. 7, pp , July 2013.
Enablers: Agreed-upon goals: European Code of Conduct (CoC) Broadband Equipment Code of Conduct – Version 4, 10 February 2011 Version 4.1, 25 January 2013 “…Depending on the penetration level, the specifications of the equipment and the requirements of the service provider, a total European consumption of up to 50 TWh per year can be estimated for the year With the general principles and actions resulting from the implementation of this Code of Conduct the (maximum) electricity consumption could be limited to 25 TWh per year, this is equivalent to 5.5 Million tons of oil equivalent (TOE) and to total saving of about € 7.5 Billions per year.” “…This Code of Conduct sets out the basic principles to be followed by all parties involved in broadband equipment, operating in the European Community, in respect of energy efficient equipment. 3
Enablers: Agreed-upon goals: European Code of Conduct (CoC) Equipment covered 4 AIM: To reduce energy consumption of broadband communication equipment without hampering the fast technological developments and the service provided. Key Actions: Commitment Monitoring Reporting
Barriers According to GeSi, the following key barriers to the adoption of ICT can be identified (relating to the use of ICT for Green, but actually also referable – to some extent – to Green ICT): Poor economics (lack of strong business case) Financing (high up-front investment costs of solutions) Lack of (technology)/infrastructure Split incentives (user/provider) Behavior (user) Awareness 5 Roles of Policy Targets Investment in R&D Incentives Education Regulation