1 Project Manager: Maciej Koszykowski, PMP Document Date: 20 January 2016 Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Polish Translation Project
2 Contents List Project Objectives Project Lifecycle Project High-level Timeline and Key Milestones Project Roles
3 Project Objective By end of 2016, translate “Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct” into Polish language, consult the translated text with Polish community to ensure the common understanding of the released version.
4 Project Lifecycle Project Mobilization First Translation SME and REPs Consultation Community Consultation Project Closure On the next pages, you will find description of the each phase. you will find description of the each phase. end of Febend of Junend of Septend of Decend of Oct
5 Project Lifecycle Project Mobilization First Translation SMEs and REPs Consultation Community Consultation Project Closure During ‘Project Mobilization’ phase the following is planned: the project team is formed analysis of potential approaches is made a decision on the final project approach is made the project governance is agreed and setup all agreements are signed off
6 Project Lifecycle Project Mobilization First Translation SMEs and REPs Consultation Community Consultation Project Closure During ‘First Translation’ phase the following is planned: the initial version of translation is created Subject Matter Expert are selected Registered Education Providers are informed and invited to the first review the project team agreed that a version is ready for submission to SME Polish Project Management Community is informed about the project
7 Project Lifecycle Project Mobilization First Translation SMEs and REPs Consultation Community Consultation Project Closure During ‘SMEs and REPs Consultation’ phase the following is planned: selected SMEs, REPs and academic centres review the first translation and provide feedback comments are reviewed reconciliation is made a candidate for the second version is communicated Polish Project Management Community is informed
8 Project Lifecycle Project Mobilization First Translation SMEs and REPs Consultation Community Consultation Project Closure During ‘Community Consultation’ phase the following is planned: Polish Project Management Community receives the release candidate comments are collected and analyzed the translation team, SMEs and involved REP are informed reconciliation is performed the final version is created
9 Project Lifecycle Project Mobilization First Translation SMEs and REPs Consultation Community Consultation Project Closure During ‘Project Closure’ phase the following is planned: the final translation of Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Polish Project Management Community is informed lessons learned are documented for PMI community project team adjourning project closure report
10 Project Timeline and Key Milestones Project Mobilization First Translation SME and REPs Consultation Community Consultation Project Closure Key milestones: ◊[30 th Apr] first translation released to SMEs, REP and Academic Orgs ◊[12 th June] feedback collected from SMEs, REPs and Academic Orgs ◊[23 rd Jul] a consolidated public release candidate ◊[xx Nov] announcement of final version [during PMI Poland Conference] end of Febend of Aprend of Julend of Novend of Oct
11 Project Team Roles ◊Lead Translator: Izabela Maciejewska ◊Translation Reviewers / Quality Control Team Translation Correctness Reviewers Paulina Szczepaniak, Jakub Szczepkowski Translation Correctness Reviewers Paulina Szczepaniak, Jakub Szczepkowski Polish Language Reviewers: Wioleta Malec, Hanna Hendrysiak Polish Language Reviewers: Wioleta Malec, Hanna Hendrysiak Project Management SMEs Maciej Mordaka, PMP; Witold Hendrysiak, PMP; Maciej Koszykowski, PMP Project Management SMEs Maciej Mordaka, PMP; Witold Hendrysiak, PMP; Maciej Koszykowski, PMP ◊Marketing Team: Paulina Szczepaniak, Jakub Szczepkowski ◊Desktop Publishing: vacancy ◊Steering Committee: Witold Hendrysiak, Małgorzata Kusyk ◊Project Manager: Maciej Koszykowski, PMP