Objective: Students will be able to provide an objective summary of the text (7.RL.2)
Summary Definition: In a summary the reader.... Identifies the central or key ideas in text Puts the text into their own words Organizes the text into a condensed version
Summary is Not: Limited to one detail Only a theme/topic sentence Character traits Only one micro note An opinion statement An inference
Summary Formula: Write in the form of a paragraph T: First line: theme/topic 1: Second line: Main event from text. Put it in your words. 2: Third line: Main event from text. Put it in your words. 3: Fourth line: Main event from text. Put it in your words. 4: Fifth line: Main event from text. Put it in your words. W: wrap it up– bring it all together; connect the theme to the events T W
Theme and Summary are LINKED: In seventh grade a THEME statement is ALWAYS included in a paragraph SUMMARY… ALWAYS even if the questions doesn’t directly state to also write a theme. T – Theme statement/topic sentence W- Wrap up sentence Write this in the form of a paragraph. 4 important events from the story that are LINKED to the theme you chose Sometimes easier to write 4 main events, then ask yourself, what did these events teach me about life/people/the world (theme)?
What should a summary look like on a short answer assessment? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Theme statement. First Main Event/Detail written in your own words. Second Main Event/Detail written in your own words. Third Main Event/Detail written in your own words. Fourth Main Event/Detail written in your own words. Sentence that finishes or wraps up summary.
One Sentence Summary: Character + Conflict + Resolution
Think about the last chapter of The Outsider’s that we read in class. Write a one sentence summary of the chapter. ___character____ + ___conflict__ + ___resolution___ who was what what solved involved happened the problem in the chapter in the or what was chapter the result