MOCK ACTION RESEARCH PROPOSAL PRESENTATION Stephanie Turner Ashford University EDU 671 Instructor: Shelia Thomas October 17, 2013
Introduction In this action research report I want to present collaborating activity that would help provide a solution for the real problem of gun violence that have been happening in schools, all over the United States. The reason I wishes to write on the area of focus is because of an incident that have happen in my home town about a year ago. During this incident no one got killed but the excitement from this has cause many parents to want to home school their children because they felt that the school was not during enough to protect their children. To protect our students that bring guns to school to harm others, I propose that the district of Tunica install metal detector and a armed security officer at every entrance of public schools in Tunica. This will help reduce the number of gun being brought into school. It will also be proficient if the school provide intervention program to help alert teachers and faculty member of students with behavior problem.
Identify and Limiting the Topic What must we do to stop school tragedy?
Gather Information How can we keep gun out of the hands of children. According to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence(2012), in Mississippi no person under the age of 18 may knowingly possess a handgun unless he or she is: Participating a hunter’s or a firearm safety course At a lawful shooting range or organized competition Hunting or trapping, when licensed to do so; On private property under the control of an adult who has granted permission to the underage individual to posses a handgun; Using a handgun to defend himself or herself from imminent danger
Reviewing the related liturature Overview of School Shooting Perhaps the first major shooting incident, in recent U.S. history, that garnered extensive public attention occurred in 1966, when the innocence of campus life was shattered when a deranged sniper at the University of Texas (Austin) randomly shot individuals, over a period of hours, from the perch of a prominent campus bulking; 14 people were killed and 32 wounded. Then on December 14, 2010 a 56 yr, old man, Clay Duke approached the 6-member school board panel during its meeting, brandishing a gun. Before firing several shots, he allowed all females in the meeting to leave, and confronted the male members about firing his wife, who was a school teacher( Piotrowski,C., 2011). It is time to put an end to this type of violence.
Develop a research plan In this research plan, I want the district of Tunica to install metal detector and armed security at the entrance way of all public schools in Tunica. This will not only reduce the amount of guns or weapons that are being brought into school but it will help decrease the number of lives that are being lost from the weapon that are being brought into school facilities.
Implement the plan and collect data The methods for gathering information on my research proposal came from: (a) literature reviews (b) observation directly with surveys (c) internet resources (d) analyzing documental and material from previous study.
Implement and Collect Data The literature describes measures that have been taken to deal with the problem of increasing school violence. Using survey data on rates on household gun ownership, we examined the association between gun availability and homicide across states, The relationship held for both genders and all age groups, after accounting for rates of aggravated assault, robbery, unemployment, urbanization, alcohol consumption, and resource deprivation ( Miller, M., Azrael,D, D., & Hemenway, D., 2007). In an extensive review of the literature reveals that adolescent male victims of peer bullying suffer somatic and emotional consequences from being victimized. Limited research on school shooter found that a significant number of them were adolescents who were targets of bullies and claimed their shooting were in response to their victimization( Reuter-rice, K.(2008).
Analyzing the data Strategies of intervention Keep journal Implement prevention program Give counseling Ask question Create an effective outcome
Developing an action plan Asking question will help administrators find out the type of person they are working with. Keeping a journal will give you the information that you need to store in their records for later studies. Counseling programs will help teachers and students find a less defensive way to collaborate with each other. Implement prevention program for a student with behavior problems will help students get the help they need be anything bad escalade.
Sharing and Communicating the Results To prevent this from happen again all parent, teachers and community leaders need to work together as one, with the same goals. “Keeping our children safe.”
Reflecting on the Process As I reflect back on the Columbine High School massacre, Fort Hood shooting, and a long history of killing or people who tried to kill people it make me feel sad. Because it makes me ask the question, if there was something those people could have done to prevent this would they have done it. Now I want you to answer the same question: if you had the chance to installing metal detector and armed security into school to protect our children would you do it? I know that this is a money situation but how much of money is our children worth?
Reference Ferrance, E. (2000). Themes in education: Action research. Providence, RI: LAB at Brown University. Retrieved from Miller, M., Azrael,D., & Hemenway, D. (2007) State-level homicide victimization rates in the U.S. in relation tosurvey measures of household firearm ownership, , Social Science and Medicine. 2007; 64; Retrieved from Piotrowski,C. (2011). The bay county school board shooting incident: Implications from the research literature. Organization Development Journal, 29(1), Retrieved from Reuters-Rice, K.(2008). Male adolescent bullying and the school shooter. The Journal of School Nursing, 24(6), 350-9, Retrieved from