CUTBACK CLASS PA 4-H Horse Development Committee Bethany Bickel Tammy Clark Eichstadt Andrea Kocher Lew Trumble
Contest Division The primary performance horse in this division may compete in the following classes only: Grooming and Showmanship, Open Trail, Working Western Horse or Pony, Pole Bending, Barrel Race, Raised Box Keyhole, Cutback and Driving (Pleasure or Draft). * Please note contest exhibitors are allowed to participate in Working Western Horse or Pony
Classes Offered Cutback Horses Sr. Rider Jr. Rider Cutback Ponies ( 14.2 hands and under) Sr. Rider Jr. Rider
Clothing and Equipment Requirements Clothing and equipment requirements are the same as Western Division except as noted in the PA 4-H Horse Show Rulebook.
In the event of electric timer failure, a rider will be permitted to rerun. The rider may choose to run immediately or add his/her number to the bottom of the working order.
Cutback Pattern
Distances From the arena walls/fence must be a minimum of 20 feet for the side poles. The distance between the center pole and each of the side poles must be equal. The distance from the starting line to the middle pole shall be a minimum of 100 feet. The distance from the starting line may be adjusted if arena size does not permit the required distance.
Horses cross the starting line with a running start and proceed behind the center pole to the left. After passing the end pole, the rider will do a right roll back and proceed in front of the poles to the opposite end pole. Class Procedure Must perform rollback, after passing the pole
After passing the opposite end pole, the rider will do a right roll back, go behind the end pole and center pole, then turn left and proceed to the finish line. The pattern may be reversed. Class Procedure con’t.
Cutback Video
Penalties/Elimination/DQ Off course will result in elimination. Knocking over a pole incurs a three second penalty per knockdown. Crossing the finish line before completing the course shall cause disqualification.
What is a Rollback A movement where the horse stops, turns back and then moves off, all without stopping *Play Video
Cutback Class Questions
WORKING WESTERN HORSE OR PONY PA 4-H Horse Development Committee Bethany Bickel Tammy Clark Eichstadt Andrea Kocher Lew Trumble
Western Division The primary performance horse in this division may compete in the following classes only: Grooming and Showmanship, Open Trail, Western Pleasure, Western Horsemanship, Working Western Horse or Pony, Novice Reining and Driving (Pleasure or Draft). * Please note contest exhibitors are allowed to participate in Working Western Horse or Pony
Description Horses and ponies in this class should reflect the versatility, attitude, level of training and quality of movement of a working horse or pony. The horse's performance should simulate a horse riding outside the confines of an arena and that of a working horse.
Description con’t. This class should show the horse's ability to work at a reasonably forward, working speed while under control by the rider. Light contact should be rewarded and horse shall not be shown on a full drape of reins. The overall manners and responsiveness of the horse while performing the maneuver requirements, and the horse's quality of movement are the primary considerations.
Description con’t. Consideration will be given to the overall cadence and performance of the gaits, with an emphasis on reasonably forward movement, free-flowing, and ground covering characteristics for all gaits. Transitions should be performed where designated, with smoothness and responsiveness.
Clothing and Equipment Requirements A natural and workmanlike appearance of the horse is preferred. Banding of the mane and use of tail extensions is not expected, but will not be penalized. Workmanlike apparel and tack is acceptable and encouraged.
Clothing and Equipment Requirements con’t. Because this class is found in the Western Division all participants must follow the Western Equipment Rules. (PA 4-H Horse Show Rulebook pages 49-51) Prohibited Clothing and Equipment: protective boots, leg wraps and bandages of any type except as noted in Novice Reining class. martingales and draw reins nosebands, cavessons and tie-downs mechanical hackamores whips or bats
Horses six years of age and older must be shown with a shanked (curb) bit, and only one hand is to be used for reining. Horses five years old and younger may be shown with either a shanked (curb) bit, hackamore or a snaffle bit. If a hackamore or snaffle bit is used, the horse may be ridden with one or two hands. Clothing and Equipment Requirements con’t.
Not Sure About Your Bit… Guidelines for Bits in Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Shows
Class Requirements Required maneuvers will include the walk, jog, and lope both directions: and the extended jog and extended lope at least one direction; as well as stops, and back. Three optional maneuvers may include a side pass, turns of 360 or more, change of lead (simple or flying), walk, jog, or lope over a pole(s).
Class Procedure Each horse will work individually, performing both required and optional maneuvers, and be scored on the basis of 0 to 100, with 70 denoting an average performance. One of the suggested two patterns may be used. All exhibitors will be required to wear protective headgear in the Working Western Horse or Pony classes.
Class Procedure con’t. Standing and/or posting at the extended trot is acceptable. Touching or holding the saddle horn is acceptable. All exhibitors will be required to wear protective headgear in the Working Western Horse or Pony classes.
Working Western Horse/Pony-Pattern 1 (AQHA Ranch Horse Pleasure Pattern 1) 1. Walk 2. Jog 3. Extend the jog,at the top of the arena, stop turn to the left 5. Left lead 1/2 circle, lope to the center 6. Change leads (simple or flying) 7. Right lead 1/2 circle 8. Extended lope up the long side of the arena (right lead) 9. Collect back to a lope around the top of the arena and back to center 10. Break down to a jog 11. Walk over poles 12. Stop and back
1. Walk to the left around corner of the arena 2. Jog 3. Extend alongside of the arena and around the corner to center 4. Stop, side pass right turn each direction (either way 1st) 6. Walk 7. Jog 8. Lope left lead 9. Extend the lope 10. Change leads (simple or flying) 11. Collect to the lope 12. Extend the lope 13. Stop and back Working Western Horse or Pony-Pattern 2 (AQHA Ranch Horse Pleasure Pattern 3)
One (1) point penalties Too slow/per gait Excessive speed Lack of control Over-bridled Out of frame Break of gait at walk or jog for 2 strides or less Split log at lope Three (3) point penalties Break of gait at walk or jog for more than 2 strides Break of gait at lope Wrong lead or out of lead Draped reinsPenalties
Five (5) point penalties Blatant disobedience (kick, bite, buck, rear, etc.) Placed below horses performing all maneuvers Eliminates maneuver Incomplete maneuver Zero (0) score Illegal equipment Willful abuse Major disobedience or schooling Penalties con’t.
AQHA Ranch Pleasure Video
Working Western Horse or Pony Questions
For More Information Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Program web site at: – 4-H Youth, Horse
Staying Connected 4-H Horse List Serv Facebook Pages PA 4-H Horse Program PA 4-H Horse Program-Equine Extension Associate-Eastern Region PA 4-H Horse Program-Equine Extension Associate-Western Region
Photo and Video Credits American Quarter Horse Association eXtension John Hudson Photography Mercer and Mifflin County 4-H Members
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