Wes Hackett Principal Solutions Architect
Chris O’Brien Head of Development
Provider-hosted SharePoint app? External Office 365 app? OR
“Getting started” demo Adding Office 365 APIs to project
Web Client Libraries Demo Office365 Tools and API
REST Demo Office365 Tools and API
File Handler Demo Office365 Tools and API (Preview Feature)
Azure AD – services provided to O365 apps
Native Application Azure AD Authorization Endpoint Azure AD Token Endpoint Office 365 API Request authorization code Sign-in via browser pop-up Return authorization code Redeem authorization code and acquire access token for Office 365 resource Return access token and refresh token Return Http Response Call Office 365 API using the access token Can use this access token with SharePoint REST/CSOM!
Possible to use Office 365 access token with SharePoint CSOM/REST This provides a level of integration between Office 365 APIs approach and the SharePoint APIs Can mix approaches e.g. when need a method which only exists in SharePoint API See
JS Client Library Demo Office365 Tools and API – release preview two
Next steps
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