Ashley Haskell INTB
Population Million ◦ 4% living under poverty level Per Capita Income- $15,782 GDP growth rate- 3.9% Inflation rate-3.6% Population-315 Million ◦ 15% living under poverty level Per capita Income- $51,688 GDP growth rate-2.8% Inflation rate-1.6%
Top 15 leading exporters ◦ Agriculture ◦ Vehicles ◦ Electronics ◦ Oil Free trade agreements ◦ Nafta Tourism
Goal to eliminate barriers for trade and investment Decreased tariffs placed by governments on imports and exports Decreased restrictions made it easier to trade and significantly increased the amount of trade done
Mexican farmers were put out of business by U.S. subsidized farm products U.S. jobs lost Wages in U.S. were suppressed Explosion of Maquiladora industry
Maquiladora- a Mexican manufacturing plant where, often foreign corporations ship materials for assembly, processing or manufacturing through a trade agreement to then be exported back out. Thrives near U.S./Mexico border.
Employ those who could otherwise be unemployed Maximize Profits Hold Mexico in Global economy Create relationships between countries In order to attract foreign investment, labor is kept cheap and often not at living wage Poor living and Working Conditions Labor laws often ignored Hazardous waste created by foreign countries is often left in Mexico and pollutes their land, water and air Health problems resulting Child Labor
Labor costs going up in worlds largest exporter, China, and Mexico can compete Geographic proximity to one of worlds largest consumer markets Mexico’s skilled workforce Big reforms being made by newly elected president Peña Nieto
Enrique Peña Nieto-Mexico’s 57 th President
Would allow international profit sharing to the state owned oil Tap into reserves to increase production from 2.5 billion barrels to 3 billion per year More jobs for Mexicans or more jobs for big oil companies in U.S. and Europe??