End Violence The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children April 2016
Overview & Strategy What is End Violence?
End violence against children… 16.2 End abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children 5.2 Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private spheres, including trafficking, and sexual and other types of exploitation 5.3 Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage, and female genital mutilation 8.7 Elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including slavery, human trafficking, and recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms 4.a Provide safe, non-violent, inclusive, and effective learning environments for all 4.7 Ensure that all learners acquire knowledge…[for] promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence
…reduce the impact of violence in families, communities and all settings… …and ensure access to fair and effective institutions and to justice for all 16.1 Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 16.3 Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, and ensure equal access to justice for all 16.9 Provide legal identity for all, including birth registration 16.a Strengthen relevant institutions… to prevent violence
Overview What is End Violence?5 - Target 16.2 and other violence-related targets of the SDGs, commit to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking, torture and all forms of violence against children by The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children will support actions that realize this commitment. The End Violence approach is… Rights-based Child-centred Universal Based on the conviction that violence is preventable, not inevitable.
Strategy What is End Violence?6 - Vision A world where all children – girls and boys alike – grow up free from violence and exploitation Mission To prevent violence, protect childhood and make societies safer for children Operating Principles As a multi-stakeholder partnership and financing facility contributing to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals, End Violence is: Rights focused | Child Centered | Universal and Inclusive | Results Oriented | Transparent | Evidence Based
Strategy What is End Violence?7 - Consultations The Partnership held a second round of consultations, meetings and events to obtain an in-depth reflection on the current zero draft strategy. So far, input has been received from over 1500 children in 22 countries and over 200 individuals, groups and agencies. A high-level strategy retreat is also anticipated, which will be an opportunity for stakeholders to take stock, reflect together and assess and refine the zero draft strategy.
Our Approach How will the Partnership work?
Approach How will the Partnership work?9 - Experts across sectors have come together to develop an evidence- based package of interventions that will sit at the heart of the Partnership’s strategy and drive action at the national level. The Partnership will support a small group of pathfinder countries that have demonstrated a strong commitment to accelerating efforts to make children safe. The Partnership will create a broad-based platform for sharing knowledge that can support pathfinder countries’ engagement on an on-going and virtual basis. As a global platform for advocacy, the Partnership will use its convening power to help to expand the global movement against violence both within and between countries.
Pathfinders How will the Partnership work?10 - The strategy envisages that a group of pathfinder countries will make a central contribution to the partnership, based on their wish to be leaders in ending violence against children and delivering SDG16.2 and related targets. Cambodia TanzaniaIndonesiaSwedenRomania MexicoPhilippines Paraguay El Salvador Sri Lanka Jamaica
Solutions An Integrated & Strategic Approach to Ending Violence
Solutions Summit An Integrated & Strategic Approach to Ending Violence12 - The Partnership will run a Solutions Summit in 2017 on best practices, promising initiatives and proven strategies to address violence, and then move towards a regular forum for all those working to end violence against children.
Solutions Package An Integrated & Strategic Approach to Ending Violence13 - Parental support Education and life skills Response service Implementation and enforcement of laws Norms and value changeIncome strengthening Safe environments 7 Strategies to end violence against children
THE FUND Purpose, objectives, and structure
Supports the Partnership’s strategy Accessible, responsive and supports innovative work Separate board and governance Effective firewalls to avoid conflict of interest Shared secretariat with the Partnership Transitional arrangements for hosting and governance Commitment to a governance review with 3 years An independent fund
Funding priorities: Support action to end violence against children in pathfinder countries Confront new and emerging transnational threats to children Prevent violence against children living in fragile and conflict-affected situations. Build a global, national, and grassroots movement that will support delivery of the Partnership strategy A strategic fund
HOW WE WORK Governance and timeline
The Partnership is based on clear principles of engagement and a commitment to providing a voice for stakeholders from all sectors Governance will be as lean as possible, especially at first Global structures will evolve as the Partnership grows and changes, we will also take time to get national structures right Currently, the Partnership has an Interim Advisory Committee and a Secretariat It is expected that the permanent board will meet for the first time in June Partnership and Fund governance
Interim Governance Structures Secretariat Policy and administrative support Strategic development Support for pathfinders Advocacy and fundraising Secretariat Policy and administrative support Strategic development Support for pathfinders Advocacy and fundraising Interim Advisory Committee Interim governance Strategy and design Agreeing permanent governance structures Funding the Partnership Interim Advisory Committee Interim governance Strategy and design Agreeing permanent governance structures Funding the Partnership
1.How can ISPCAN engage with the Partnership at global and country level? 2.How can the Partnership leverage ISPCAN’s work?
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