SPSC120 Summary L.Gatignon, EATM, AD experiments, P348, SHiP, NA61, tour of experiments
GENERAL NEWS SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, On a collaboration agreement was signed between CERN and DOE for LHC support from US and CERN support for neutrinos at FNAL. Try to set up a CERN neutrino physics group. Set up a WG for physics at LHC injectors. Including SHiP, but also other potential new projects. Prepare for the next European Strategy (2018/19) Henric Wilkens has prepared draft user schedules for 2016.
AEGIS Waiting for ECR. Until then stick to present baseline SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm,
GBAR GBAR is under construction for operation with ELENA. Installation is starting now, Agreement reached on linac shielding, construction starting: Need to monitor AD alignment and possibly realign In parallel studies continue at Saclay on e + moderation, P s production, cooling and trapping efficiency, at Orsay for pbar electrostatic deceleration and deflector, and so forth. The free fall detector design is being finalised. Planning aims to be in line with ELENA commissioning. SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm,
BASE BASE has started real experiments: BASE compared antiproton/proton charge-to-mass ratio with fractional precision of 69 ppt. They implemented entire 4 trap system and detected signals in all traps. The first antiproton spin flips have been detected in BASE.and they recorded a first Larmor resonance BASE takes pbars from a few AD shots and stores them in a reservoir. From there they can extract them one by one and use them for measurements (spin flips). So far BASE took 7 full and 5 shared shifts in Still running! SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, In 2016, aim to apply double trap technique and to understand the 30K / 29 MHz noise
Future BASE ? SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, BASE is approved till 2017 for the moment. BASE measured so far g pbar to 3.3 ppb and the q/m ratio to 69 ppt as a first measurement with this apparatus! These experiments are highly relevant as both TRAP and BASE q/m are ~2 away from CPT conservation! Aim to achieve g pbar to 100 ppt and p/pbar q/m to 1 ppt.Requires 6 years Key issue: magnetic field stability. Could stabilise to 100 ppt shot-by-shot. Developing laser assisted projects for implementation after LS2. Could dramatically speed up experiment cycles. BASE should be treated like other AD collaborations: BASE cannot afford to pay again for the ELENA beam line. Now in MTP. Can run during LS2 but need power and liquid Helium supplies. How will CERN manage the increase HE supply when GBAR starts? Improvements approved, probably done in shutdown.. Addendum to be submitted for next SPSC meeting
SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, SHiP:
SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm,
SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm,
SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm,
SPSC recommendations (1) SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, The SPSC has reviewed the proposal for “A Facility to Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) at the CERN SPS” (Technical Proposal P-350 and Physics case P-350-ADD-1), submitted in April 2015 following an earlier submission of the Expression of Interest EoI-010 in October The review included several lists of questions sent to the SHiP proponents, which were all answered including submission of a proposal addendum P-350-ADD-2 in October In the review process the Committee was impressed by the dedication of the SHiP proponents and their responsiveness to the Committee’s requests. In particular significant progress was made since the EoI, along the lines of the SPSC112 recommendations, including optimisation of the proton beam dump design, broadening of the physics case and adaptation of the SHiP scheduling to external constraints. The CERN SPS offers a unique opportunity for the proposed programme and the SHiP community has the potential strength to build the proposed detector setup.
SPSC recommendations (2) SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, The main physics motivation of SHiP is to explore the domain of hidden particles, searching in particular for new scalar, fermionic and vector particles. These would be produced in a proton beam dump at 400 GeV, either directly or from decays of charm or beauty particles. The experiment would be sensitive to a hitherto unexplored region of parameter space, spanning masses from a few hundred MeV to a few GeV and over two orders of magnitude in squared couplings. The main experimental signature involves two charged decay tracks, and will be complemented by decays to neutral particles. The experiment is also proposed to be equipped with an emulsion target which would allow unprecedented tau neutrino and antineutrino measurements and valuable QCD studies. Furthermore it would extend the hidden sector search to scattering of dark matter particles. The facility could accommodate additional detectors extending the range of dark matter searches. The SPSC supports the motivation for the search of hidden particles, which will explore a domain of interest for many open questions in particle physics and cosmology, and acknowledges the interest of the measurements foreseen in the neutrino sector. SHiP could therefore constitute a key part of the CERN Fixed Target programme in the HL-LHC era.
SPSC recommendations (3) SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, The SPSC supports the updated SHiP schedule, which takes into account the HL-LHC preparation constraints during LS2, and defers any significant civil engineering investments for SHiP to the period following full approval of SHiP. The SPSC notes that, in this updated schedule, the time scale for the SHiP comprehensive design study, required for final decision, coincides with the expected revision of the EU HEP strategy. The Committee also notes the plans of the incoming CERN Management to set up a working group to prepare the future of the CERN Fixed Target programme after LS2, as input to the next EU strategy update. In this context the SPSC recommends that the SHiP proponents proceed with the preparation of a Comprehensive Design Report (CDR), and that this preparation be made in close contact with the planned Fixed Target working group.
SPSC recommendations (4) SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, Preparation of the CDR should include further optimisation of the beam dump facility in the direction of a multipurpose area, test beams of detector prototypes where needed, detailed simulations of the detector response to all signal and background signatures, further theoretical studies of expected signals and comparisons with alternative search programmes. The Committee encourages the proponents to define a programme of measurements concerning production of charm in a SHiP-like target, important for normalization purposes. The Committee also encourages the proponents to further explore the potential benefit of inputs from the ongoing NA62 experiment to strengthen the experimental evaluation of SHiP backgrounds and systematics. The resources needed for the preparation of the SHiP CDR in the coming years should be secured within a MoU between CERN and the SHiP proponents Institutes.
P348 SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, Following a test run in H4 in 2015, they submitted an Addendum and answered to a number of questions from the referees
SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, The Committee has received with interest the addendum to the P348 proposal, outlining the P348 physics runs in 2016 and The SPSC appreciates the responsiveness of the P348 collaboration to the Committee’s requests and recognises the physics potential of the proposed run. The Committee recommends that P348 be approved as an SPS experiment. The SPSC also recommends approval of the P348 beam request in 2016, i.e. two weeks of test run and 4 weeks of physics run, to investigate the region of the invisibly decaying dark-photon parameter space that would explain the (g-2)_mu anomaly. The SPSC awaits the results of the 2016 run before reviewing plans beyond Need MBPL magnet with 140 mm gap.
NA61 SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, VTX1 magnet is down, further news on repair by May. Still confusion about the real state of the magnet. Have to implement a new Magnet Safety System this year. Running in 2016 will depend on magnet operability at full current, at 3 kA (then pp at 400 GeV/c cancelled) or not at all (no running in 2016). Request for 2016 ions: 40 d physics (4 low p) + 5 d vertex detector (150A) Request for 2018 ions: 40 d physics (75A, 150A) For the moment only 4 weeks of Pb scheduled in The SPSC received with interest the answers to its questions about the NA61 Addendum SPSC-P-330. The Committee recognises the potential of a high statistics lead-lead energy scan with increased acceptance with respect to NA49. The SPSC recommends 28 days of Pb-Pb data taking for the first part of the Pb-Pb energy scan with minimum bias collisions and for tests of a new vertex detector for open charm measurements.
NA63 SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, NA63 looked for enhanced photon production in crystals. They see a factor 30 increase, but could not measure in the momentum range of interest to CLIC (few 100 MeV) due to big loss of efficiency. They request a run of 2 weeks in H4 ith 180 GeV/c positrons to measure ‘Radiation Reaction’ and with beam divergence as small as possible ( < 50 rad). The SPSC reviewed with interest an update on the status of the NA63 experiment and the proposal for a run in 2016 to measure radiation reaction effects for positrons passing through aligned crystals. The Committee takes note of the difficulties encountered in measuring sub-GeV electrons and positrons in the apparatus during the electron run in The SPSC recommends two weeks of beam time be allocated for an NA63 run in 2016 for the proposed radiation-reaction measurement.
SPSC recommendations on AD experiments SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, The Committee encourages the ACE collaboration to make the data publicly available once the publication is complete. The SPSC acknowledges the progress achieved by the GBAR collaboration on the different components of the experiment. The SPSC looks forward to a timely installation in CERN of critical components planned for 2016 and to the first measurement of charge exchange cross sections in proton – positronium collisions. The SPSC committee acknowledges the progress made by AEGIS since the last annual review, including the first laser-excitation of positronium. The SPSC looks forward to the first H-bar formation in The SPSC congratulates the BASE collaboration on the rapid progress made in developing the necessary techniques for measuring the magnetic moments of the proton and antiproton. The committee notes the good prospects for a new measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment during 2016.
SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm,
NEUTRINOS SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm, WA105 has been integrated in the DUNE management structure as dual-phase protoDUNE. MoU has CERN delivering cryostat in EHN1 for October Install start April 2017, start cryo operations in January Ready to collect beam March DUNE has the 35 ton prototype on the starting line. Following a recommendation of SPSC119 a local management team at CERN has been set up for the prototypes. Complete teams will need to be nominally in place from summer 2017 till end The prototypes are one of the two priorities of the DUNE collaboration. The time line is very tight indeed. BABYMIND now considers the test in T9 as their baseline scenario, The test of fully active AIDA modules in a magnetic field(Morpurgo) is for the moment abandoned. All SPSC recommendations were followed. Received LoI for a new test in a small cryostat with single phase readout.
SPSC120 summary for EATML.Gatignon, eatm,