28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Louis Rinolfi CLIC e + status
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi General CLIC layout for 3 TeV Generation of e + Generation of e -
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Thermionic e - gun Laser DC gun Polarized e - Pre-injector e - Linac 200 MeV e - / Target Primary e - Beam Linac 5 GeV Injector Linac 2.66 GeV e + DR e + PDR Booster Linac 6.14 GeV 2 GHz e + BC1 e - BC1 e + BC2 e - BC2 e + Main Linac e - Main Linac 2 GHz e - DR e - PDR 2 GHz 12 GHz 9 GeV 48 km 2.86 GeV e Target AMD 2.86 GeV 3 TeV Base line configuration 2011 CLIC Main Beam Injector Complex IP polarized e - unpolarized e + SR 12 GHz, 100 MV/m, 21 km IP = Interaction Point SR= Spin Rotator BC = Bunch Compressor DR= Damping Ring PDR= Pre-Damping Ring AMD= Adiabatic Matching Device SR Bunching system Pre-injector e + Linac 200 MeV BC0
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi CLIC Main Beam Injector complex with real dimensions on the CERN site Zoom e - transfer line e + transfer line e - and e + sources e - and e + Damping Rings
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi SLC (California) CLIC (3 TeV) CLIC (0.5 TeV) ILC (RDR) LHeC (p-140) LHeC (ERL) Energy 1.19 GeV2.86 GeV 5 GeV140 GeV 60 GeV e + / bunch (at IP) 40 x x x x x x 10 9 Norm. Emittances at IP (mm.mrad) 16H = 0.66 V = H = 4.8 V = H = 10 V = e + / bunch (after capture) 50 x x x x x x 10 9 Bunches / macropulse NA Macropulse Rep. Rate (Hz) CW Number bunches / s x10 6 e + / second x Flux of e +
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi CLIC study to define hybrid targets September 2009
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi CLIC hybrid targets e - /train Primary electron beam Linac e Target Thermionic e - gun 5 GeV e - / Target Bunching system Crystal thickness: 1.4 mm Distance (crystal-amorphous) d = 2 m Amorphous thickness e =10 mm crystal amorphous e-e- e-e- e+e+ e-e- e+e+ Dipole Oriented along the axis e + source parameters for the baseline after optimization of parameters Targets are tungsten (W)
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi FOT is a code developed by X. Artru (IPN Lyon) in the years 80’s Conversion in C ++ and implementation in GEANT. FOT simulates coherent and incoherent Bremsstrahlung radiations as well as Kumakhov radiation in channelling condition. GEANT 4 simulates pair creation and incoherent Bremsstrahlung (+ usual G4 processes). With G4FOT code, the e + yield, from hybrid target, can be simulated with one single program. G4FOT : a new code Comparison have been done with V. M. Strakhovenko simulation (BINP) A difference ~ 15%, has been found, depending on the incident energy. O. Dadoun (LAL) is investigating.. G4FOT allows to simulate the production of photons from the crystal target, the production of positrons from the amorphous target and the capture downstream the amorphous target.
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Energy of e - impinging the crystal target: 5 GeV Number of photons at the exit of the crystal target Crystal target thickness: 1mm CLIC crystal target Number of e - impinging the target : O. Dadoun / LAL
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi KEKB experiments with hybrid targets T. Takahashi / Hiroshima Uni. 8GeV e- Analyzing magnet 5 ~ 30MeV This experiment will be very useful as test bench to cross-check G4FOT simulations and experimental data Amorphous target
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi A granular target on a rotating wheel If in the CLIC target, the deposited energy would be too large, a possible solution has been proposed by P. Sievers with a granular target distributed on a rotating wheel See Peter’s talk for ILC at this workshop
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Crystal target To the Injector Linac Amorphous Target Adiabatic Matching Device Pre-injector linac Solenoid TW cavities Bunch compressor e+e+ Dipoles e+e+ e-e- e-e- Dipole E = 200 MeV CLIC Pre-Injector e + Linac layout Parameters for the 5 TW sectionsUnitValue Lengthm4.36 FrequencyGHz2 Nb of cells couplers Phase advance per cell2/3π Maximum Axial Electric FieldMV/m15 Cell lengthm0.0499
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Distribution of e + at 200 MeV Accelerating mode Decelerating mode The values in red are given for a window of ± 5 MeV and ± 2.5 mm F. Poirier / LAL
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Mode Pre-Injector length (m) Total yield EfficiencyRMS bunch length (mm) Mean Energy (MeV) FWHM energy (MeV) x (mm) x’ (mrad) Accelerating Decelerating CLIC Pre-Injector e + Linac results Total yield = N e+ 200 MeV ) / N e- 5 GeV) Efficiency = N e+ (assuming 1.2% PDR acceptance ) / N e- 5 GeV) The decelerating mode in the Pre-Injector Linac improves the e + performance and the efficiency See Freddy’s talk at this workshop
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi CLIC study for the e+ Pre-Injector Linac July 2011
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Klystron 50 MW 2 GHz A1A2A3 50 Hz E = GeV I = 2.5 A An RF module: Number of cavities:N = 3 Length:L = 1.5 m Aperture radius: = 17 mm Filling time:t f = 389 ns Unloaded gradient:E z = 27 MV/m Loaded gradient:E z = 15 MV/m Energy gain/module: E = 67.5 MeV RF frequency:f = 2 GHz Repetition frequencyF = 50 Hz 2.86 GeV CLIC Injector e + Linac
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Simulation results for CLIC Injector Linac Black distribution = end of Injector Linac Red distribution = captured inside the PDR e + in PDR (March 2011): Yield e + /e - = 0.39 S cm N. e + Yield e + /e - x mm mrad y mm mrad MeV E MeV z mm z cm MeV A. Vivoli / CERN
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi CLIC study for the e + Injector Linac June 2010
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Laser DC gun Polarized e - Pre-injector e - Linac 200 MeV Injector Linac 2.66 GeV e + DR e + PDR Booster Linac 6.14 GeV 2 GHz e + BC1 e - BC1 e + BC2 e - BC2 e + Main Linac e - Main Linac 2 GHz e - DR e - PDR 2 GHz 12 GHz 9 GeV 48 km 2.86 GeV CLIC Main Beam Injector Complex IP polarized e - polarized e + SR 12 GHz, 100 MV/m, 21 km IP = Interaction Point SR= Spin Rotator BC = Bunch Compressor DR= Damping Ring PDR= Pre-Damping Ring AMD= Adiabatic Matching Device SR Bunching system BC0 Pre-injector Linac for e MeV 2 GHz e Target AMD Drive e - Beam Linac 1 GeV Compton ring 2 GHz Stacking cavity YAG Laser RF gun SR 3 TeV Compton based configuration
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Compton ring is very attractive for the CLIC polarized positron sources: 1) no modification in the Main Linac 2) no modification of the Main Beam Injector complex apart to install a new ring 3) could work in parallel with the existing conventional hybrid targets Compton ring as polarized e + source BUT it needs: a Compton ring design (high beam current, double chicane, high RF voltage,…) a strong R&D on laser (laser energy, laser pattern,…) a careful optimization of the optical cavity and IP (beam size, stability,…) a new design of the Pre-Damping Ring (momentum compaction, RF voltage, damping times, dynamic aperture,…) a high stacking efficiency
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Option ERL + 2 SR as e + source 50 Hz Linac (if necessary) Cycle 1: Stacking in SR1 + Damping in SR2 Cycle 2: Damping in SR1 + Stacking in SR2 T. Omori & L. Rinolfi 4 th ILC-CLIC e + studies meeting
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Option CR + SR as e + source P. Gladkikh / NSC-KIPT
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi A proposal for SC Stacking Ring The proposed combined longitudinal-transverse injection into a superconducting stacking ring could be a solution Paper for IPAC 11
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Compton ring: KEK - LAL - NSC/KIPT/Karkhov ERL:KEK - LAL Compton Linac:BNL Undulator:ANL - DESY - CI - Lancaster Uni. CLIC polarized e + beam studies Collaborations have been done with the following institutes: CERN acknowledges them strongly
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Summary 1)The unpolarized e + source is based on hybrid targets, using channeling. A configuration with the present technology seems doable. The beam power deposition in the targets remains to be investigated. 2) It is crucial to implement test facilities. The KEKB experiment is the only one existing presently. It is an important step forward for the e + sources. 3) The polarized e + sources need more studies for several configurations. A superconducting positron stacking ring seems promising. Nevertheless for all configurations, strong R&D program is mandatory for future linear colliders.
28 th August 2011 POSIPOL Workshop – IHEP-Beijing- ChinaL. Rinolfi Acknowledgements X. Artru, I. Bailey, E. Bulyak, I. Chaikovska, R. Chehab, J. Clarke, O. Dadoun, E. Eroglu, W. Gai, P. Gladkikh, T. Kamitani, A. Latina, W. Liu, T. Omori, J. Osborne, F. Poirier, P. Sievers, T. Takahashi, J. Urakawa, A. Variola, A. Vivoli, C. Xu, V. Yakimenko, L. Zang, F. Zimmermann, F. Zomer. Thank you for contributions and discussions: 15 Institutes have been involved and have contributed in the CLIC e + studies: ANL, BNL, BINP, CERN, Cockcroft Institute, DESY, Hiroshima University, IHEP, IPNL, KEK, LAL, Lancaster University, NSC-KIPT, SLAC, Uludag University.