2015 CCCApply Workshop Session: Administrator Center and Report Center Presenters: Ben Baird, A&R Supervisor, American River College Mitch Leahy, A&R Coordinator, Santa Rosa Junior College
What are we going to cover today? CCCApply Administrator Center Used for System Maintenance Authorized Access Only (by college or district) Manage Application Tables (majors, terms, users, rules, supplemental questions, college/district info) Unlike XAP, does not include downloads or reporting (with one exception, download resets) CCCApply Report Center Used for Accessing Applicant Data Authorized Access Only (by college or district) Create Ad Hoc and Predefined Reports Schedule Reports
Workshop Outcomes At the end of today’s two part workshop, you will have learned (hopefully) how to: Navigate your college’s Admin and Report Centers Create, test, manage rules and messages Write your own reports to learn more about your college’s applicants Schedule those reports to run on their own Learn ways that other CCC’s are using these new features to communicate with their students
Part 1: Administrator Center Administrator Center Brief Tour Rules Rule definition logic (what applicants will get an action?) Actions (what action should occur?) Messages (what will we tell the applicant?) Live demo #1 (residency ) Live demo #2 (staff ) Live demo #3 (application error) Questions Sharing Ideas
Live tour/demo – QA
Share Best Practices LRCCD – Chained actions and messages
Example of a Message Dear ${firstname} ${lastname}, The information provided on your application to American River College on ${tstmp_submit} has classified you as a non- resident of the State of California for tuition purposes for the ${term_description} term. As a result, you will be required to pay non-resident tuition while taking courses until you take further action. To learn more about California’s residency requirements, please visit our webpage at How do I change my residency status with the college? To change your residency status with American River College, you must complete the Residency Reclassification Request Form. The form is available online at the link above, and available in person at the Enrollment Services counter in the Administration during normal working hours.Residency Reclassification Request Form In addition to the request form, you must submit at least two documents showing proof of residency status. You can find the list of acceptable documents on our residency webpage. Documents provided must be dated one year one day before the start of the ${term_description} term. Non-US citizens may need to bring in additional documents proving their visa/resident status. list of acceptable documents Are there exceptions or exemptions to the California residency requirements? Assembly Bill 540 (commonly known as AB540) provides an exemption to residency tuition for students who attended a California high school for three or more years AND graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent. To apply for this exemption, you must complete and submit the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Form along with appropriate documentation. For more information, please visit our webpage at Nonresident Tuition Exemption Formhttp:// Exceptions exist for some California high school graduates, active duty military and their dependents, wards of the State of California, and many others. Our residency webpage includes complete information about the exceptions and required documents.some California high school graduatesresidency webpageexceptions and required documents How do I submit the forms and documentation? In person(preferred): Visit the Enrollment Services office or the eServices Registration Lab (map)map By fax: By mail: Enrollment Services 4700 College Oak Drive Sacramento, CA Thank you for applying to American River College! We look forward to seeing you soon, American River College Enrollment Services
Best Practices, continued Please share!
Part 2: Report Center CCCApply Center Brief Tour (including help) Ad Hoc Views Reports Dashboards Live demo #1 (Ad Hoc State Query) Live demo #2 (Foster Youth Priority) Live demo #3 (Create a report) Live deme #4 (Create dashboard) Questions Sharing Ideas
Live tour/demo –QA