C-30 S-3 Collapse of Chinese Imperial Rule (Chapter 30: Revolution and Nationalism, )
Collapse of Chinese Imperial Rule After the fall of the Qing dynasty, nationalist and Communist movements struggled for power. The seeds of China’s late-20 th - century political thought, communism, were planted at this time.
Sun Yixian Sun Yixian’s Revolutionary Alliance overthrew the last emperor Sun Yixian is still known as the “father of modern China ” Sun Yat-sen 孫文 / 孫中山 / 孫逸仙
Lenin Befriends China Lenin gives China aid when no other country would. Lenin preached worldwide Communist Revolution. Sun uses Lenin’s communist model as a blueprint for organizing his party (The Nationalists) along Bolshevik lines.
World War I & Treaty of Versailles Under the Treaty of Versailles, the Allied leaders gave Japan the Chinese territories and privileges that had previously belonged to Germany. Outrage swept the country. Which led to the May 4 th Movement.
May Fourth Movement In Beijing, 3,000 angry students gathered in the center of the city and shouted, “Down with European imperialists!...Boycott Japan.” Mao, a young school teacher, supported the students. This is similar to what has recently happened in Tunisia and Egypt. Hundreds of thousands of young people are flooding the streets to protest their government and its leader.
Nationalist and Communist Clash Nationalists: headed by as Jiang Jieshi after Sun dies Also known as Chiang Kai-shek 毛泽东 Mao Zedong
Shanghai Massacre (1927) Chinese Nationalists killed Chinese communists Great Britain and the United States recognized the government of the Nationalists as being the legitimate government. Jiang becomes the President in 1928 of the Nationalist Republic of China
Civil War Rages in China Communist Party’s deep seated rage over massacre erupts into Civil War. Jiang and the Nationalist had promised democracy and political rights for the peasants, but did not deliver. Peasants align themselves with the Communists instead. Mao divides land that the communists control among the peasants
The Long March 700,000 Nationalist chased 100,000 Communists as they fled China. Only 10,000-30,000 Communist led by Mao Zedong reached safety 6,000 miles away in northwestern China.
The Long March
A Communist leader addressing Long March survivors.
Japanese invade China in 1937, forcing an uneasy truce between Jiang’s & Mao’s forces. Flag of the Nationalists Flag of the Communists
Fact #1 Nationalism is when citizens are loyal to their nation rather than to a king or empire
Fact #2 Sun Yixian is considered by many to be the “father of modern China”
Fact #3 The Allies gave Chinese land to Japan in the Treaty of Versailles. This greatly angered the Chinese.
Fact #4 Mao Zedong led the Communists in China.
Fact #5 After Japan invaded China, the Nationalists and Communists agreed to a truce.
Important Facts After the fall of the Qing dynasty, nationalist and Communist movements struggled for power. The seeds of China’s late-20 th - century political thought, communism, were planted at this time.