CS202: Introduction To Object Oriented Programming Lecture 1: Introduction Michael Hsu Fall 2015 CSULA
Who Am I? Teaching part-time Full time software engineer (Associate Member of the Technical Staff) at the Aerospace Corporation LinkedIn profile: Do not call me professor, just call me Michael Office hours: Mon Wed after class 9:15PM to 10:15PM
What is CS202? Second class in introduction to programming sequence CS201, CS202, CS203 One of the most important CS classes you can take Think Math 102/103 for Math 206/207/208 Can be demanding, especially if you’re new to programming Course gets more difficult over time. Basic programming concepts and techniques Java is the selected language for the course Most concepts can be reapplied to other languages Lecture and Lab component
Course Webpage Course info and grading policy Assignments Software download links Textbook info Online learning resources
Lecture Code Examples: GitHub is a popular Git repository hosting service Git: A popular version control software Allows you to keep track of your code changes and collaborate with others Go to the folder for the week, click on the source file, then click raw. You can then right click and save the file. Remember to change the extension to.java If you’re feeling adventurous, you can setup git/github client on your machine and directly pull from the repository Check out the git and github tutorials from the course webpage resource section
What Do I need for the class? Textbook not required, but it is a good reference book you can use for the rest of your career A laptop. A 500 dollar one will suffice. You also have to option of installing the tools on a flashdrive then use it on a campus computer, but I don’t recommend it. JDK 8, latest version Follow the instructions in “Setting up Java and eclipse” in the course webpage resource section Some form of plaint text editor or IDE E(fx)clipse What I will be using to demo most of the code Following the setup guide above DO NOT download it during class, do it outside of class so you don’t slow down the already slow internet Other text editors: notepad++, wordpad, textpad, sublime text, vim, emacs
Grading Policy A, B, C, and NC. You receive a NC if you get lower than a C as an undergrad or lower than a B as a graduate student C- is a NC for undergrads, and a B- is a NC for grads More details on course webpage No curve You will have your midterm grades before the withdrawal-with-W deadline Drop deadline to get a W: Thursday, 10/08/2015
CSNS All assignments will be on CSNS Hand in your assignments via CSNS For new users: Username and password is your CIN Change your info after you login If you have problems accessing CSNS, let me know Call/Go to the ITS helpdesk if you don’t have a campus login
Labs Lab assignments make up 45% of your grade. Usually Wednesdays are labs Attendance is required Usually due Wednedsday before class During the lab, I will walk around and talk to each one of you. Prepare to: Explain what you did on the previous lab Ask any questions/express concerns you have regarding the class. Late submissions after the CSNS deadline have a 20% penalty No submissions accepted 1 week after the CSNS deadline Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.
Quizzes 10% of your grade Usually take place every Monday at the beginning of the class Multiple choice on content covered in slides Short answers: Writing complete programs, methods, classes, Identifying code errors Usually very short amount of time is allowed
Exams 45% of your grade One midterm and one final No makeups are allowed If you do bad on the midterm but improved on the final, I will adjust your grade accordingly Format Written part: Closed book/notes/computer/internet/everything Short answers on concepts, code debugging, short code snippets Programming part Open everything, except communication with others
Online Resources Do not limit yourself to learn only the materials covered in class. Java API, official oracle Java tutorial Lots of additional tutorials available online (videos, slides, etc). MOSS (massive online open courses) is the new trend of learning. Lynda.com from your MyCalstatela page Coursera Khan Academy MIT Open courseware, UC Berkeley, Harvard CS50 More in the Resources section on the course website.
The Art of Googling Almost every programming/technical/computer problem that you will ever encounter at this level has been encountered by someone else before. The art of googling and finding the appropriate answer to the problem at hand is an invaluable skill for a programmer I encourage you to google solutions and figure out the problem yourself.
Notes on Cheating Where do I draw the line? Googling for solutions is fine Discussing with your classmates is fine Direct copying of source code from online sources is fine as long as you cite your sources in your code Be prepared to explain the code to me during the next lab Quizzes/exams will have problems similar to those on labs. If you don’t understand the stuff you copied-pasted, you will fail the exam. Copying /Sharing of source code with your classmates is considered cheating. Both the sharer and copier will receive an F in the course For Self-preservation, don’t share your code. Posting the assignment question online in forums/freelancer sites is considered cheating I am easy to reason with. I will often offer extensions/extra credit as the situation see fit.
Example of Cheating
Freelancer.com Cheating Using-Hibernate Using-Hibernate Why not to use freelancer.com It is expensive Lots of scammers Fake reviews, fake profiles Links to paid surveys It is cheaper to just talk to me
How Do I Get Help? Google it Use the course forum to ask questions Link in sidebar of course website Address the question to your peers, other people might be able to answer it before I do Do not post your source code in the question Office hours