Zielona Linia Green Line - contact centre of public employment services. An example of implementation business standards and channels customer support in the labour office. 1
We are… The Employment Services Centre for Information and Consultation "Zielona Linia". Activity of the Centre is co-financed by the European Social Fund and implemented under the Human Capital Operational Program. The Centre is supervised by The Human Resource Development Centre in Warsaw (the institution operating under the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy). The Centre cooperates with labour offices and employers across the country. The Centre runs an employment office that meets clients’ expectations at any time. 2
Our mission The aim of "Zielona Linia" is to create high quality relationships with: the unemployed and job seekers – we help them to find suitable jobs; people desiring to improve their skills – we advise and assist them in looking for suitable trainings; employers seeking workers – we help them to find the best employees. 3
Our vision Our paramount aims are: to make The Public Employment Services available to clients at any time and place; to help everyone who contacts us, whatever their requirements; to modernize and improve the accessibility to the services of labour offices namely enhancing the pace and facilitating the access to information via the Internet and phone. The Centre answers questions concerning: the labour market policy and law, benefits and different forms of support offered by district labour offices; and provides information relating to the issues of the Labour Code. 4
New standards in clients service STEPS: Clients needs: What is important for Job Office clients? – To get fast and fair information in one place no matter where he/she lives. Client perception change (inner change): – From applicant to client. Choosing the model of contact: Contact Centre as the best model of client – office way of contact. Standard of a contact. 5
Contact Center - an effective way of client – office relation management. No missed calls, no undelivered messages, no long ques, no memos on the desk after conversation. C ONTACT C ENTER IS : -O NE DATABASE FOR EVERY OFFICE WORKER -O NE NUMBER OF PHONE FOR EVERY CLIENT -M ANY WAYS OF CONTACT WITH CLIENTS -O NE STANDARD OF CONTACT ACROSS THE COUNTRY 6
Integration of the Public Employment Services (PES) information sources and standard unification 210 Labour Offices operating within ZL System 337 Labour Offices cooperating with ZL (local consultation points) Information in Labour Offices
How does it work? 8 Invitation: Welcome to the Job Office info line… To talk to the consultant dial 1 … Choose the topic of conversation… Tell us what is your labour status… Hello, how can I help you? phone.Mail www Centre Local consultation point
Business ways of contact as a standard Zielona Linia Centre – a multi-channel access to information: Infoline – calls from abroad , sms Web service , contact forms on our website, text messages, Social networking services. Whatever the option clients choose, they will be always provided with full and current information. Our effectiveness has been proven by our clients. 9
Our website 10
Dial 19524! By dialing 19524, Clients get information on: current job offers (in Poland and abroad); professional licenses; sources of business financing; possibilities of vocational trainings and retrainings; trial periods, vocational trainings at the workplace, public works etc.; registration of the unemployed and those seeking employment; benefits from district labour offices; databases of: Public Employment Services, Employment Agencies; Centres for Information and Career Planning, and other institutions. 11
BENEFITS We help the unemployed, jobseekers and the employers, and job offices as well! 12
Benefits The Unemployed and Job seekers – easy access to the information on: Current job offers (local and abroad), Opportunities to retrain and to participate in vocational trainings, Forms of support offered by labour offices (work exchange, vocational counselling, training courses), Labour office instruments (trial period, one-off subsidy for undertaking business activity, etc.). The Employers – easy access to the information on: Support in work exchange, The reimbursement of the cost of providing equipment for a work-stand, Trial period, intervention works, public works, vocational training at the workplace, socially useful works, Training courses for employees.
Benefits Labour Offices: Transfer of some labour office’s services to self-service (e.g. phone, web portal), The provision of basic information shifted onto the Information Centre, Improvement in the efficiency of the employees’ work and of direct service, Creation of an image of a modern, friendly and well-managed public organization, Easy access to the databases (web portal, intranet), Achievement of higher clients satisfaction, Building long-term relationships with the employers by: -meeting their expectations and -supporting their recruitment processes.
Statistics and plans for the future 15
Client satisfaction index– 96% (2011) Statistics – contacts per week – incoming calls, outgoing calls, 500 – incoming mails, 800 – mails sent, – job offers on our web service, – web visits. 16
Zielona Linia – Development direction Discussions online, chat; Automatic job offers searcher; Ability to store and print up to 5 different CV types; More newsletter options for subscribers; Sending current information from district labour office via e- mail. 17
Contact us! Info line: (Access with local call charges) Attention! Calls from abroad: You do not have to listen to the entire automated announcement. If you want to talk to the English-speaking consultant, please dial 1 and wait for the connection. Internet:
Social networking services Facebook: facebook.com/zielonalinia19524 Blip: zielonalinia.blip.pl Twitter: twitter.com/#!/zielonalinia 19
Thank You very much for your attention! 20