December 17th, 2013
Welcome and Introductions Katie Brown- ELL Specialist Isabel Meaker – Family Outreach Janae Hodge - Vice Principal Interpreters- THANK YOU! Purpose of meeting: To ensure that families feel welcome, supported, and informed about their child’s education and school events at Shuksan.
Shuksan Calendar Free dinner at Shuksan! 5:15pm Tuesdays & Thursdays Strengthening Families Program 5:30pm on Fridays starting Jan. 17 th Do you want to sign up for a computer class? Please take a calendar home with you !
Shuksan Clubs! Social Action Club Youth 4 Real ALTO
WELPA Washington English Language Proficiency Assessment An assessment to measure growth in English Reading WritingListeningSpeaking
There are 4 Levels LEVEL 1LEVEL 2LEVEL 3LEVEL 4 Beginning English is new Intermediate Learning the basics of English Advanced Speaking is easy, needs academic language development Transitional Performing in school like English speaking peers
Reaching English Proficiency It can take 4-7 years to reach Level 4. You do not take the WELPA again once you reach Level 4. Students often stay in Level 3 longer because it takes longer to acquire academic English. Level 4 students often need continued support to master academic English at high levels. WELPA scores will be mailed home in June We reached Level 4!
How can I help my child succeed in school? Please take home a handout
Questions & Answers What do you need or want to know at future ELL Family Meetings? Please fill out the survey. Before you leave… Sign up for events, clubs and classes! Ask questions THANK YOU! Gracias! Cảm ơ n bạn Спасибо! ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ