Good Morning, Second Graders! Welcome! Please Put these items in your desk: crayons pencil pouch notebooks folders 2. Put all other supplies in the back of the room. 3. Have a seat quietly, and begin working on your Morning Math worksheet. When you finish, flip it over and work on the word-search. We will begin soon.
About our class: "Home away from home" Loving environment Always safe
Quiet Signal
School Rules Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Do your best work. Be polite in words and actions. Listen and follow directions. Walk quietly at school. Color Chart Warning Caution So Sad Ready Good Day Great Day Outstanding
Reward Cards How do we earn a “WARM FUZZY”? *Follow the school rules *Be a good friend *Help others Finish your COOPERATION CARD, and earn: *Lunch Bunch *Treasure Box
What should I do if......I need to go to the bathroom? Raise your hand with your fingers crossed, and wait patiently until your teacher says you can go to the restroom.
What should I do if......I am thirsty? Raise your hand so your fingers make a "w," and wait patiently until your teacher says you can get water.
What should I do pencil breaks? Exchange your pencil for another one from the basket in the center of your group.
What should I do if......I have a question? Raise your hand, and wait patiently until your teacher answers you.
Mix Pair Share... -bathroom -water -pencil -question
Mrs. Herrera Who is important to me?
My husband:
My parents:
My siblings:
My cat, Roxie:
My students:...and that means YOU! Introduce yourself by telling us: 1. your name 2. someone who is important to you Yarn Toss!
The Freeze!
Let’s read about BUTTERFLIES.
BINGO! Line Bingo: 5 in a row Blackout: All squares
First Day Jitters
Team: Round Robin
First Day Jitters
Formations Can our class make these shapes without talking?
Morning Math Day 1
Minute Math 5 minutes
Procedures Entering the Classroom ONETWO THREE FOUR Enter quietly. Begin working on your Morning Math worksheet. Put your finished worksheet in your seatwork folder. When you finish, read a book silently. Small group demonstration. Put your homework in the basket.
Procedures Exiting the Classroom ONETWO THREE When directed, stand up quietly and push your chair in. Walk in a straight, silent line in the hallway. Small group demonstration. When you are called, come to the door and stand silently. *You might be a wonderful walker!
Playground On the playground: LISTEN for instructions. Play NICELY with your friends. WATCH your teacher at all times. Line up IMMEDIATELY when you are called.
All About Me
Draw your self portrait. Pay close attention to your: Hair Eyes Nose Ears Mouth
Brain Break Find Someone Who...
The Important Book: Listen to the story
The Important Book: Example The important thing about Mrs. Herrera is that she loves to teach children. She enjoys taking photographs. She also plays the violin. But the important thing about Mrs. Herrera is that she loves to teach children.
The Important Book: Draft The important thing about _________ is that (he/she) ___________________________. (He/she) __________________. But the important thing about _________ is that (he/she) ___________________________.
Story Time Listen to the story.
Math Game Lucky Number 7 With a partner, think of a number that is no greater than ten. At the same time, both partners show fingers from one hand. Add your fingers. Did you reach your number? If not, try again! Try it with a larger group ! Maximum numbers for groups: 3 people = no more than 15 4 people = no more than 20 5 people = no more than 25
Morning Math Day 2
Hidden Pictures
Science Notebook Leave 2 pages for your author’s pages. Glue: Notebook Rules Title: Table of Contents (3 pages) Number: Pages 1-50
Reading Assessment (part 1) Relax and do your best! You are brilliant!
The Important Book
The Important Book: Example The important thing about Mrs. Herrera is that she loves to teach children. She enjoys taking photographs. She also plays the violin. But the important thing about Mrs. Herrera is that she loves to teach children.
The Important Book: Final
Story Time Listen to the story.
Morning Math Day 3
Birthday Kids 1. On the front, write the DATE of your birthday. ( Example: For March 5th, write 5) 2. On the bottom left corner, write the MONTH of your birthday. 3. Decorate your KID to look like you!
Birthday Kids 1. Find your MONTH card on the floor. 2. Stand in a line in front of your month. Graph 1 Which month has the MOST birthdays? Which month has the LEAST birthdays?
Birthday Kids 1. Find your MONTH card on the floor. 2. Place your KID in front of your month. 3. Step back to observe the graph. Graph 2 Rank the months in order from LEAST to GREATEST number of birthdays.
Birthday Kids Without talking, line up in order. Begin with January, and end with December. Line Up How quickly can you line up???
Birthday Kids Without talking, line up in order of DATE. Begin with 1, and end with 31. Line Up How quickly can you line up???
Birthday Kids Share your KID with the class. Share What is your favorite part about your birthday?
Math Story Tangrams
Math Games Tangrams
Story Time Listen to the story.
Reading Assessment – Day 2 Relax and do your best! You are brilliant!
Game Investigator / Instigator Game Who is the instigator?
Story The Teacher from the Black Lagoon
Story Activity: All Write Round Robin *3 minutes per student Divide your paper into four sections. 1. What happened in the beginning of the story? 2. What happened in the middle of the story? 3. What happened in the end of the story? 4. What was your favorite part? FRONT
Story Activity: Round Robin Divide your paper into four sections. Create your own Teacher from the Black Lagoon. 1. What would she look like? 2. What would she do? 3. What would you do if she were your teacher? BACK
Brain Break Find Someone Who... How many answers can you find?
Story Time Listen to the story.
Morning Math Day 4
Math: Chapter 1
Story Time Listen to the story.
Morning Math Day 5
Math: Chapter 1