Indian Wars
Population changes, growth of cities, and new inventions produced interaction and often conflict between different cultural groups.
Interactions Settlers decided they wanted tribal lands Tribes were forced to live in areas called reservations These lands were generally poor and of no value to the government or settlers When settlers decided they wanted the land, the tribes lost more land
Battle of Little Bighorn (Custer’s Last Stand) Gold was discovered on Sioux land Fighting over the land began General George Custer led his army into Sioux Territory near Little Bighorn River Sioux led by Sitting Bull and Geronimo attacked, killing Custer and his men
Chief Joseph Chief of Nez Perce tribe in Northwest Told to leave their lands and live on a reservation Chief Joseph refused and led his people to Canada over 1,000 miles US Army outnumbered them and forced a surrender “I will fight no more forever”
How did the lives of American Indians change with western expansion? Battle of Little Bighorn - American Indians won, but precipitated an expanded campaign of opposition (Sitting Bull, Geronimo) Forced relocation from traditional lands to reservations (Chief Joseph and the Nez Percé) Reduced population through warfare and disease (Battle of Wounded Knee) Assimilation attempts and lifestyle changes, reduction of buffalo population Reduced their homeland through treaties that were broken American Indians were not considered citizens until 1924