Question 1: The speed of light in vacuum is c = 300,000 km/s. Now, if you are travelling towards a light source with a relative speed of 20,000 km/s and measure the speed of a light signal received from that source, you will find Review Quiz No. 6 : ,000 km/s 2.300,000 km/s 3.320,000 km/s 4.Depends on the mass of the light source. 5.Depends on the velocity of the light source relative to the universal stationary frame.
Question 2: You are taking a stick with a length of 1 m along with you on a plane which is traveling at a very large speed. If you measure the length of the stick while sitting in the plane, you will find its length to be … :45 1.less than 1 m. 2.exactly 1 m. 3.more than 1 m. 4.Depends on the orientation of the stick with respect to the direction of motion of the plane. 5. Depends on the direction of motion of the plane.
Question 3: Now, assume somebody at rest on the ground is measuring the length of the stick that you are carrying with you on the plane, as in question 2. He/she will find the length of the stick to be :45 1.less than 1 m. 2.exactly 1 m. 3.more than 1 m. 4.Depends on the direction of motion of the plane. 5.Depends on the mass of the stick.
Question 4: If you are traveling at a very high velocity (close to the speed of light), objects that are actually right beside you at rest will appear to be … :45 front of you. 2.precisely where they are. 3.beyind you. 4.above you. 5.below you.
Question 5: If you are traveling in a fast air plane once around the world, you will have experienced … somebody who stayed behind on the ground. :45 1.more time than 2.the same amount of time as 3.less time than 4.… no time at all. 5.… an infinite amount of time.