“Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” plot study guide Set on Slideshow. Click mouse to advance. If you print this out to study, choose HANDOUTS under the prompt PRINT WHAT. Then choose 6, for the number of slides per page. Doing this will save you a lot of ink, and it will take less time to print out, too!!
1. exposition 2. rising action 3. climax 4. resolution 1. exposition Maple street neighbors - including Steve and Don – are outside at 6:40 one Saturday in the summer when a flash of light whooshes across the sky.
1. exposition 2. rising action 3. climax 4. resolution 4. resolution The aliens board their spaceship to head to another street and repeat the events that occurred on Maple Street.
1. exposition 2. rising action 3. climax 4. resolution 2. rising action Steve gets accused of being an alien, since he has a portable radio set in his basement that no neighbors have seen.
1. exposition 2. rising action 3. climax 4. resolution 3. climax After Charlie accuses Tommy of being the alien, everyone starts freaking out: hitting, throwing, shooting, screaming…
1. It isn’t intense. 2. Pete Van Horn isn’t a main character. 3. It happens very early in the plot. 4. It isn’t the turning point in the story. 4. It isn’t the turning point in the story. Why is Charlie’s shooting of Pete Van Horn NOT the climax?
1. Some people react badly in a crisis. 2. Fear can make people become monsters. 3. There is life on other planets. 4. Don’t believe what you read in comic books. 2. Fear can make people become monsters. What is a message the author is trying to convey in the events of the plot?
1. Historical fiction 2. Biography 3. Science fiction 4. Informational text 3. science fiction What genre would this script be?
1. It builds suspense and intensity to hold the reader’s attention. 2. It includes the setting, characters, and conflict. 3. It “wraps up” the action before the end of the story. 4. It ends the story. 3. It “wraps up” the action before the end of the story. One alien explains to the other that all they have to do is flicker a few lights and the humans will destroy themselves. Why is this part of the falling action?
1. Steve is accused of being an alien because of the “ham” radio in his basement. 2. Don gets his gun. 3. Pete goes to Floral Street. 4. Tommy says some of the neighbors are aliens in disguise. 4. Tommy says some of the neighbors are aliens in disguise. What event in the rising action MUST occur to make the climax event occur?