Signal Processing for Mechatronics
Textbook Signal Processing First Hardcover – March 8, 2003 by James H. McClellan, Ronald W. Schafer, Mark A. Yoder
References 1. LabVIEW for Engineers – February 7, 2010 by Ronald W. Larsen 2. LabVIEW Digital Signal Processing: and Digital Communications – May 6, 2005 by Cory Clark
Chapter 1
READING ASSIGNMENTS 1. Textbook Chapter 1, pp. 1-8 Slides and internet links
COURSE OBJECTIVE Students will be able to: Understand mathematical descriptions of signal processing algorithms express the algorithms as computer implementations (Labview) What are your objectives?
WHY do we USE DSP ? Mathematical abstractions lead to generalization and discovery of new processing techniques Computer implementations are flexible Applications provide a physical context
Fourier Everywhere Telecommunications Ultrasound Sound & Music ECG, EMG, EEG Chromatograms CDROM, Digital Video Fourier Optics X-ray Crystallography Protein Structure & DNA Computerized Tomography Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: MRI Radioastronomy ref: Prestini, “The Evolution of Applied Harmonic Analysis”
Chapter Objectives Understanding the terms: signal and system Physical signals and systems Mathematical representation of signals and systems Case study
Understanding the terms: signal and system Signals are patterns of variations that represent or encode information Many signals are naturally thought of as a pattern of variations in time creating what we often call a time waveform. Physical systems generates signal (phenomena or phenomenon) which are acquired by measurement systems Signal in mathematics are represented by functions vary with time.
Example 1: recorded Speech signal ( CONTINUOUS-TIME SIGNAL ) It is one-dimensional continuous-time signal This signal can be represented as a function of a single (time) variable, s(t). This pattern evolves with time, creating what we often call a time waveform.
How to recode speech? Using Matlab Using LabView Creating M file Using Simulink Windows recorder or special software such
% Record your voice for 5 seconds. recObj = audiorecorder; disp('Start speaking.') recordblocking(recObj, 5); disp('End of Recording.'); % Play back the recording. play(recObj); % Store data in double-precision array. myRecording = getaudiodata(recObj); % Plot the waveform. plot(myRecording); Creating M file Using Matlab
Using Simulink: using Data Acquisition Toolbox
Using Simulink: using DSP Toolbox
Using LabView
Example 2: Samples of a Speech Waveform: s[n] = s(nTs )- Example 2: Samples of a Speech Waveform: s[n] = s(nTs )- DISCRETE-TIME SYSTEM sequence of numbers that can be represented as a function of an index variable that takes on only discrete values. This can be represented mathematically as s[n] = s(nTs ), Where n is an integer n is an integer Ts is the sampling period. This can be done by sampling a continuous-time signal at isolated, equally spaced points in time
Application in Mechatronics
void main(){ float ADC_Value, POTValue; char txt[10]; Lcd_Init(); ADC_Init(); while(1){ ADC_Value = ADC_Get_Sample(0); Delay_ms(5); POTValue=( 5.0*ADC_VAlue/1023) ; FloatToStr(POTValue, txt); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off Lcd_Out(1,1,txt); // Write text in first row Delay_ms(5); } }
Example 3: 2D signal It is signal that can be represented by a function of two spatial variables the value p(xo, yo) represents the shade of gray at position (x0, y0) in the image the discrete form would be denoted as p[m,n] = p(m x,n y ), where both m and n would take on only integer values, and x and v are the horizontal and vertical sampling periods, respectively.
How to create 2D signal?
Mathematical Representation of Systems a system is something that transforms signals into new signals or different signal representations. a continuous-time system can be represented mathematically as Example 4The squarer of a continuous-time system; Systems operate on signals to produce new signals or new signal representations.
Mathematical Representation of Systems a discrete system can be represented mathematically as Example 4 The squarer of a continuous-time system;
y(t) = [x(t)] 2 y(t) = [x(t)]
How to create Discrete Time signals?
Block diagram representation of a sampler. a system whose input is a continuous-time signal x(t) and whose output is the corresponding sequence of samples, defined by the equation the sampler system ="ideal continuous to discrete converter" or ideal C-to-D converter
Case study: Simplified block diagram for recording and playback of an audio CD.