,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, VXD Commissioning Organizational Matters (in response to the BPAC October report) Overall PXD/SVD coordination strengthened: 2 nd DESY Test (PXD / SVD common beam test) bi-weekly (Seevogh) meetings between PXD and SVD established common subsystems: CO2 (MARCO) + Slow Control + Interlock DAQ crew (KEK) integral part of project BEAST 2 project VXD-Commissioning leaders nominated: C. Marinas & K. Nakamura (deputy) Commissioning crew established (already active in the DESY Test) PXD / SVD ladders as in DESY test CO2 (IBBelle) and installation as in phase 3
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Major Steps during Installation & Commissioning: 1.Preparation of the Beam Pipe[beam pipe “ready”] 2.PXD halves on Beam Pipe (+ electrical test ) 3.SVD halves on Heavy Metal (+ electrical test) 4.Common electrical test, CO2 cooling[VXD “assembled”] 5.Common Cosmic Ray Test 6.Installation of Cables from the Docks to the outside 7.Installation of the VXD into Belle[VXD “in place”] 8.Connection of all cables and services to the docks 9.Close warm dry volume / flush with N2 10.Turn on CO2 Cooling 11.Turn on power 12.Cosmic Ray Test[VXD “ready”] Milestones for the VXD Commissioning detailed list of steps in the backup
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Critical Areas for the Installation General rule: all services must have a connection at the docks Design ongoing VXD cables & services difficult to route in the FWD region Dock space area in design stage (highest priority right now) Cabling through the Belle detector tough, but essentially solved
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Tentative Schedule for VXD Commissioning (I) assume 4 weeks per month (10% built-in contingency)
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Tentative Schedule for VXD Commissioning (II) assume 4 weeks per month (10% built-in contingency) Earliest time to install VXD
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, SVD half shells tested at KEK (with open CO2 system, ladder by ladder) PXD half shells tested at MPI (with closed CO2 system MARCO and local DAQ) MARCO & PXD halves are brought to KEK (October 2017) Dock Box arrangement (5-> 4, 1 CO2 box) eases warm dry volume layout Dock Ring (close to CDC wall) in final design now, high prio item Dock box support ring (outside of dock boxes) supports heavy dock boxes Cable cage PP (just after VXD end flange) ensures clearance to QCS Cable cage CDC, clearance CDC FWD cone QCS (can be released for EDI) VXD Installation Rings (in design by MPI) support the VXD on the CDC Beam Position Monitor cable connections need to be modified Wish to exercise VXD Installation via AIM in roll-out position (dummy VXD) and AIM and EDI after roll-in, with dummy VXD and QCS, only then BEAST2 Proposed schedule from April 2017 onwards needs to be cross-checked with Belle II / Machine Items on the Watch List
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Backup
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, „AIM“ = Alternative Installation Method Before VXD Installation: Exercise AIM with Dummy (+ bellows) and BEAST 2
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Beam Pipe Heavy metal is installed Diamond sensors and cables are prepared Watercooling for beampipe is in place SCB mount blocks are installed
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Check of PXD Support on the Beam Pipe For June B2GM MPI will prepare a mockup of the beam pipe and the SCB mount block and prepare a mockup for the SCB support Can check whether mount block is correctly aligned SCB support mount block
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, PXD Fixture on Beampipe PXD support on beam pipe (glued on beampipe, with alignment pin) cooling manifold for beampipe (paraffin) Inox Be
C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Redesign Dock Area 1 Box area reserved for CO2 PXD Signal/Power lines now compressed into 4 dock boxes 5 (3) Boxes reserved for SVD New cooling line concept - N2 lines unprotected, - all Cu lines in warm dry volume
C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, CO2 Lines: Distribution in Dock Area To Detector Extend warm dry volume beyond the CDC walls only in the CO2 area
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Service Space in FWD Region Extremely narrow gap in the FWD regions between inner CDC wall and QCS: only 24 mm clearance. This must be sufficient for the 267 cables and pipes AND has to conserve the “7 mm” rule: gap between cables and QCS outer envelope
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, FWD: Extremely Tight Cable Arrangement violett: “forbidden” by 7 mm rule
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Crowded Region at VXD End Flange SVD PXD data PXD ctrl PXD power
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Water Cooling for Bellow Flanges beam pipe side RVC/ QCS side pipes supposed to go along QCS surface pipes to go along CDC inner wall bellows FWD bellows space for beam position monitors
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Compensate relative movement of beampipe and QCS FWD: The Solution All pipes go “upward”, use “soft” corrugated material “7mm” rule can be fulfilled
C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Services FWD Area needs a sophisticated cable cage design (3D printing) PXD cables not shown, only patch panels
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, FWD: Extremely Tight Cable Arrangement Glue Kapton ring to protect SVD cables against sharp metal edge
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Beam Monitors Clear problem of space with theses connectors
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Beam Monitors Preferred connector type (perpendicular to monitor housing)
Crucial Component: RVC Karsten Gadow (DESY) “RVC” = Remote Vacuum Connection operation rod, manipulated from outside QCSR VXD,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9,
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, VXD Installation: Cabling and Piping After pushing VXD by hand into the CDC (short list): 1.Fix BWD installation ring to CDC end plate 2.Install PP Cable cage (FWD) 3.Install CDC cable cage and secure all cables/pipes along the CDC inner cone on the FWD side 4.Connect all pipes and cables to the prepared connections at the dock boxes 5.Pressure test of the cooling pipes 6.Electrical test of the VXD 7.Install the bellows 8.Connect cooling pipes to bellows 9.Move in QCS 10.Close the RVC VXD ready for operation
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, PXD/VXD Installation Procedure in B1 (II) PXD assembly on beampipe (continuation of steps 1-7: PXD sanity checks ) 8.Installation of PXD mounting on KEK granite table (real beampipe with heavy metal, diamonds and beampipe services is already prepared and aligned on rotational holding structure) 9.Check pins on PXD mount blocks with dummy SCB assembly 10.Grab first PXD half-shell with tool and lower from above, tighten screws on SCBs with nominal torque 11.Arrange Kaptons on the Heavy Metal structure and fit through end flange 12.Turn mounting table by 180° 13.Check pins on PXD mount blocks with dummy SCB assembly 14.Grab second PXD half-shell with tool and lower from above, tighten screws on SCBs with nominal torque 15.Arrange Kaptons on the Heavy Metal structure and fit through end flange.
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, PXD/VXD Installation Procedure in B1 (III) PXD (both halves) fixed on beampipe: Cable attachment 16.Attach Patch Panel support on BWD and FWD sides 17.Attach Patch Panels (with cables) on both sides 18.Guide cables radially and keep in position with temporary support 19.Mount cable support on both BWD and FWD sides 20.Bring cable one by one in position and fix them at a distance of about 300 mm from the end flange at their default positions. Cables are now in their default position 21.Final positioning check using precision arm (register positions on data base) 22.Electrical test cable by cable, one module after the other (no CO2 cooling yet) 23.Remove PXD mounting tool from KEK granite table
Fixing of SVD after PXD Installation,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9,
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, PXD/VXD Installation Procedure in B1 (IV) PXD complete with cables on beampipe: Add SVD 24.Assemble SVD mounting tool on KEK granite table. 25.Bring first SVD half-shell from the +x side 26.Fix SVD cable on the VXD cable support 27.Bring second SVD half-shell from the -x side 28.Fix SVD cable on the VXD cable support 29.Mount cover plate of cable support to keep cables away from RVC. 30.Connect CO2 pipes on each side to the CO2 cooling unit 31.Connect all cables to their services with proper cable strain relieves 32.Power CO2 unit 33.Do electrical tests for PXD 34.Do electrical tests for SVD 35.Removal of SVD mounting tool from the KEK granite table. 36.Install cosmic ray trigger counter 37.Do cosmic ray test
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, PXD/VXD Installation Procedure in B1 (V) VXD after Cosmic Ray Test: Preparations for the transport to Belle 38.Mounting of the first AIM components 39.Support of PXD now switched from support on beampipe to support by the end rings so that a further installation is possible. 40.Mounting of additional AIM components such as cable trays etc. 41. Move crane tool over VXD and fix supports by hand 42.Repositioning of the VXD with cable trays attached from the KEK granite table onto the movable transport cart (using small crane and a steel traverse prepared at MPI) 43.Protective foil cover of entire VXD for transport (protect against dirt and dust on the way down to the beam line
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, PXD/VXD Installation Procedure in B1 (VI) VXD after Cosmic Ray Test: Preparations for the transport to Belle 44.Move VXD out of B4 room and position before the support structure 45.Reposition VXD from the transport cart onto the support structure (using the steel traverse and the small crane). 46.Move the VXD on support structure out and connect the hall crane to the steel traverse 47.Transport the VXD via the hall crane to the beam line 48.Position the VXD onto the mounting tube and the monting tube extensn of AIM (which has been prepared beforehand) 49.Install VXD using the AIM procedure
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Going out to the Belle Platform Problematic: Dock Box area in the BWD region (for SWD) CDC wall in the BWD region Chicane in FWD Cable routing already clarified with Adachi-san
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, DESY Test: Prepare for BEAST Window for beam and PXD Original idea (Katsuro Nakamura in Trieste) New (favored) idea: make a “box” and provide fixtures for the SVD cartridge [Box is closed by cover, cables holes by EPDM] Mount SCB on ground plate
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Window for beam and PXD Original idea (Katsuro Nakamura in Trieste) Mount SCB on ground plate New (favored) idea: make a “box” and provide fixtures for the SVD cartridge [Box is closed by cover, cables holes by EPDM] Mechanics design is easier, should start soon (MPI) DESY Test: VXD Mechanics
C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, DESY Test: Prepare for BEAST 2 y x View from “BWD” beam 2 PXD layers4 SVD layers FANGS CLAWS only for BEAST SVD cartridge CO2 cooling by MARCO April 2016
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Mechanis design finalized for FANGS and CLAWS, Screw holes for Plume defined BEAST 2: VXD Mechanics PXD Ladders fixed on SCB, Design frozen SVD Cartridge is fixed on end flange
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Cable & Pipe Count
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, Cable & Pipe Count
,C. Kiesling, 10th BPAC Meeting, KEK, Japan, Feb. 7-9, VXD Nomenclature