Reception meeting. Tuesday 23 rd February 2016 Welcome!
ELGs At the end of the year, your child will be assessed according to the Early Learning Goals. In your pack I have included these for you to look at so that you can see where your child is expected to be at the end of the year. Each of the ELGs has a series of statements within it. Your child needs to meet these in order for us to say that they have achieved the Early Learning Goal. Throughout the year activities and lessons are planned to ensure that all these areas are covered within class time.
Handwriting Correct pencil grip Correct letter formation Children will find it difficult to maintain this pencil grip if their finger muscles are not developed. It takes a lot for a child to be able to hold their fingers in this position for any length of time. If they find it hard to maintain this, finger strengthening exercises can help. Like this…
Punctuation We are always encouraging children to use some punctuation in their work. In your information packs there is a reminder sheet for when children are writing. Some children find it tricky to remember finger spaces and punctuation but when they are encouraged to read through their work it helps them to see why they are important.
Rhyming Strings Can the children recognise rhyming words and continue a rhyming string? Rhyming words bingo Rhyming story book Nursery rhymes
Phonics - New Vocabulary! Phonics – the learning of letters and sounds Phoneme – the sound a letter makes Grapheme – the written letter Blending – running sounds together to make a word Segmenting – breaking a word up into its component sounds Tricky words – words that cannot be decoded using phonics cvc – c = consonant (b/c/d/f), v = vowel (a/e/i) Digraph - a sound made with two letters eg. sh ai oi Phonetically plausible – written phonetically that it can still be read although it is spelt incorrectly eg. torl werk cabij
Numbers Number recognition up to and beyond 20 is important. It is often thought that children can count when they can recite numbers, but it is only when they can answer “How many?” without recounting again and again that it shows they really understand. We will be looking at hundred squares and thinking about some of the patterns we can see and thinking of easy ways to remember numbers. Can the children count in 10s, 5s and even 2s?
Subtraction and addition We want the children to have a secure understanding that subtraction means taking away and that addition means adding together. We will be taking away practically and counting backwards on number lines. We will also introduce the children to simple calculations. You can play games at home to reinforce the notion of adding and taking away.
Shapes The children need to be able to name 2D shapes (square, rectangle, circle, triangle, diamond, pentagon) The children will also begin to look more closely at simple 3D shapes (cube, cuboid, sphere, pyramid, cone, cylinder)
Physical Education Ball skills Throwing and catching Dance and moving creatively Safe use of apparatus Importance of a healthy lifestyle
Expressive Art And Design Painting Papier mache Junk modelling
Understanding Of The World Talking about our families Talking about our world Using laptops/computers Using programmable toys
Transition As the year progresses, we will begin transitioning the children for Year 1. This includes going to visit the year 1 children and joining the rest of the school outside for playtimes. It also means that children will begin to receive house points and penalty points like the rest of the school. Before the end of the school year the children will meet their year 1 teacher and visit their new classroom. Our aim is to make the transition as easy as possible for your child.
WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? Please read every day! Send in any old boxes and newspapers for art work Count and look at numbers at every opportunity
WHAT YOU CAN DO Talk to your child about their experiences. Model and expect good listening. Encourage the understanding and use of new vocabulary. Sing songs and rhymes and read poems, enjoying the rhyme and rhythm of words. Read to your child regularly and develop their story language.
Challenge Time! What do these say?
Reading At Home Quiet place for reading Playing reading games Let them see you reading Follow your child’s lead Make reading an enjoyable shared experience! At Marsh Green we expect all children who receive reading books to read every night at home and for parents to sign the diary. This is a school-wide expectation and has huge benefits for the children.
Writing At Home Reinforce correct letter formation Encourage the correct finger grip Let them see you writing Do not spell everything out for them Encourage independence
What Can We Do To Help? You are welcome to attend Marvellous Maths Mondays! Is there anything YOU would like to see at school? Are there any workshops you would like?
Thank you for coming!