BTstack Youngho Oh
Table of contents BTstack features BTstack Architecture Host Controller Interface(HCI) Bluetooth Stack BLE event task Test Bluetooth 4.1 features
BTstack features Can be operated both as a single mode or a dual mode stack. Is well suited for small, resource-constraint devices such embedded systems as it is highly configurable and comes with an ultra small memory footprint. Is to support devices for which the OS(ex. Linux, RTOS...) either does not provide a Bluetooth Stack.
BTstack Architecture Task C Bluetooth Stack HCI PAN1323ETU L2CAP ATT Run Loop BLE packet Sleep BLE HCI packet BLE Event Task BLE packet Task B Task A BLE packet
Host Controller Interface(HCI) BTStack HCI provides UART interface to the PAN1323ETU and HAL Layer. The format of HCI packets can refer to the BT Core 4.1 specification Volume 2 Part E. HCI command defines in ‘hci_cmds.c’.
Bluetooth Stack BTStack runs as two tasks.(BTStack task including Run Loop, BLE Event task) BTStack uses a Run Loop to handle incoming data which represent UART communication interface. Packet handler function is a message handler for L2CAP, ATT events.
BLE Event Task BLE event task is implemented on a Ubinos Task. The Main Application communicates with BLE event task via application-specific message, l2cap message(ex. Connection, disconnection, advertising, scan) over message queue.
Test EFM32GG STK3700 AS3933 PAN132 3 SPI UART Service Client Device CC2540 LF Transmitter GPIO Service Client Device LF BLE
Test B-PniP Sequence Diagram
Test Packet sniffer
Bluetooth 4.1 features Bluetooth 4.0 features are supported in the Bluetooth 4.1 core specification. Exchange data more efficiently (Bluetooth Smart wearable device). Device supports multiple roles simultaneously (Dual Mode Topology). Device will be able to setup a dedicated channel for communication (future support of IPv6 at sensor level)