Ventura Vehicle ~ Acquisition Cycle ~ Team Alpha CathyCuiSteve
Basic Class Diagram
Extension 1 – add commitments Economic Contract Commitment to Delivery Commitment to Pay
Extension 2 – add leasing
Extension 3 – add purchase return
Business Events & Phases BP PhaseExample Business Event Planning Buyers list out potential vendors for required raw materials, facility and trucks leasing Buyers ask those vendors for their product catalogs Vendors send their catalogs to the buyers Identification Buyers asked those potential vendors for their product availability and price Vendors give response to the buyers Negotiation Supervisors monitor enterprise activities, such as production level, sales level, and sales forecast Supervisors identify needs for raw materials, facilities, or trucks Supervisors communicate their needs to buyers via purchase requisitions Buyers identify suitable sellers and send offers to those venders Venders send counter offers to buyers Buyers accept the offers and sign contracts with vendors
Business Events & Phases-cont’d BP PhaseExample Business Event Actualization When those products ordered are ready to ship, vendors would give a notification to buyers Buyers give response to that notification Vendors send those ordered goods to buyers Buyers send receiving reports to sellers when those inspected goods are accepted Buyers return those unacceptable goods to vendors and issue purchase return report Vendors send invoice to buyers Buyers send remittance advice to vendors Post- Actualization Vendors have warranties and after-sale services for those goods
Accounting reporting & control issues Authorization of purchases Authorization of purchases Segregation of duties Segregation of duties Timely recording of the liability for acquisitions Timely recording of the liability for acquisitions