Electronic Portfolio: A Brief Overview External Degree Program Electronic Portfolio Contract
What is an E-Portfolio? A portfolio is a purposeful collection of work that tells the story of a student's personal self and a student's achievement or growth. Portfolios are direct indicators of a student's learning experiences
What is an E-Portfolio? Comprehensive portfolios, maintained over a period of time, can exhibit comparisons of student work and illustrations of growth.
What is an E-Portfolio? Portfolios can grow and carry into the learner’s work life beyond the school environment
Why E-Portfolios? An increasingly self-reliant work force is evolving at an ever increasing pace. Today's technology allows electronic portfolios to be one career tool for life long learners in today's workplace.
Considerations Who is the audience? Who are / will be the users of the portfolio? What is the context ? Is the portfolio for display and/or the exhibition of growth?
Considerations II What materials and artifacts can / should be included? In what capacities will portfolios be utilized?
On the Internet University of Alabama, College of Continuing Studies, External Degree Program Electronic Portfolio Contract