Reporting a Student thru Different PIMS Submissions Barry Frye Manager of Student Data Information Systems Appalachia Intermediate Unit 08 1
Why are we so happy? 2
You were hired on August 1, 2014 to become the new PIMS Administrator. Effective October 1, 2014 Fictitious School District Southern Clearfield County High School Building AUN = PDE# = 9009 School Year Dates: Starts: Ends:
Agenda Discuss Collections for: October 1 Enrollment Special Education December 1 Child Accounting End of Year July Special Education Surprised? Confused? Happy? The quiz is part of the presentation 4
Student Details: Student Name: Terry Boring Parents are residents of Southern Clearfield County School District Gender: Female Grade: 11 Special Education with an active IEP Primary Disability: Emotional Disturbance On September 11, 2014, she was placed in a private residential facility Name: Shelter Care (No AUN) County: Cambria Service Provider: Appalachia IU8 ( ) Remained at Shelter Care until April 3, 2015 Returned to the same school building April 6,
What form is used to determine the district of residence for a student in a facility or institution? _____________ Should you receive that form for Terry? ________________ If Yes, from whom should you receive it? _________________ DoR.JPG 6
Do you have one SIS that handles all students including Special Education?____ 1. If Yes:________________________________________________ 2. If No: ________________________________________________ 3. Your Main SIS: __________________________________________________ 4. Your Special Education SIS:______________________________________ 5. Do you remove Terry Boring from your SIS? _____ 6. Why? ________________________________________________________ 7. How do you handle this situation?__________________________________ 8. What happens if you do not handle correctly?_________________________ 7
During your training period, the current PIMS Administrator taught you about the importance of submitting regular updates for the status of your students. What templates update student status?___________________________________ Collection 6 (C6) is used to accomplish this. When is C6 open? ________________ 8
Student Template: The Student Template contains one LEA record for each student for each school year. The Student template can be submitted at all reporting periods other than end of year in either a point-in-time fashion (only including active students) or in a cumulative fashion (all students enrolled in the LEA for the school year). 9
With respect to Terry Boring, what should appear in the following fields of the Student template when performing an update the latter part of September 2014? STUDENT TEMPLATE: 1.What should appear in Field 1 DISTRICT CODE? _____________________ 2.What should appear in Field 2 LOCATION CODE? ______ 3.What should appear in Field 34 CHALLENGE TYPE? ______ 4.What should appear in Field 38 SPECIAL EDUCATION ? ___ 5.What should appear in Field 67 STUDENT STATUS? ___ 6.What should appear in Field 117 DISTRICT CODE OF RESIDENCE? __________________ 7.What should appear in Field 165 LOCATION CODE OF RESIDENCE? ______ 8.What should appear in Field 167 SPECIAL EDUCATION REFERRAL? ___ 9.What should appear in Field 189 FUNDING DISTRICT CODE? ______________________ 10.What should appear in Field 217 DISTRICT OF ENROLLMENT CODE?________________ 10
What is the purpose of the School Enrollment template?_____________________________ With respect to Terry Boring, what should appear in the following fields of the School Enrollment template when performing an update the latter part of September 2014? SCHOOL ENROLLMENT TEMPLATE: 1.What should appear in Field 6 ENROLLMENT DATE? ____________ 2.What is the significance of that date? ___________________________________ 3.What should appear in Field 7 ENROLLMENT CODE? ______ 4.What ‘sub letter’ apples to that ENROLLMENT CODE? __ 5.Why wouldn’t you use WD01? ___________________________________________ 11
October 1 Enrollment Today in October 3, The October 1 Student Snapshot should include only students being educated by the LEA (students being served either directly, in person, via an LEA virtual instruction program, or placed in a program by the LEA). Is this submission related to the December 1 Special Education Submission?____ Is this submission related to Child Accounting End of Year Submission?____ What information is collected for October 1 Enrollment? Students educated by your LEA on October 1 (Official Public Total Enrollment > School Performance Profile) Title 1 Economic Disadvantaged (Official poverty count, Teacher Loan Forgiveness) LEP (Limited English Proficiency) Race/ethnicity subgroups 12
October 1 Enrollment (cont.) Who report for this submission? 13
October 1 Enrollment (cont.) The October 1 Student Snapshot should include only students being educated by the LEA (students being served either directly, in person, via an LEA virtual instruction program, or placed in a program by the LEA). For this submission do you, (Southern Clearfield SD), report Student and School Enrollment templates for Terry Boring? _______ Why?_________________________________________________________________ Who reports Terry Boring on the October 1 Enrollment submission?___________ 14
Let’s look at December 1, 2014 Special Education Submission. It is now December 2. 1.Is this submission related to the October 1 Enrollment or Child Accounting submissions? __________ 2.In addition to being identified as a special education student, what must the student have to be part of this submission?____________________ Refer to Page 8 of your Mini-PIMS Manual IU8 is providing services for Terry Boring on December Does IU8 report Terry on December 1?___________ 4. Who reports Terry Boring on this collection? ________________________________ 5. Why? _______________________________________________________________ 15
December 1, 2014 Special Education Submission (cont.) IU10 provides a ‘pre-PIMS’ check service by submitting your templates to the PDE Spot Checker What templates should you send to IU10? ____________________________________ 16
December 1, 2014 Special Education Submission (cont.) For Terry Boring, would there be changes to any of the fields in this Student template compared to the Student template that you submitted in late September?__________ 17
December 1, 2014 Special Education Submission (cont.) Student Template: What should appear in Field 2 LOCATION CODE? 9999 What should appear in Field 34 CHALLENGE TYPE? 2127 What should appear in Field 38 SPECIAL EDUCATION ? Y What should appear in Field 67 STUDENT STATUS? N What should appear in Field 117 DISTRICT CODE OF RESIDENCE? What should appear in Field 165 LOCATION CODE OF RESIDENCE? 9009 What should appear in Field 167 SPECIAL EDUCATION REFERRAL? Y What should appear in Field 217 DISTRICT CODE OF ENROLLMENT?
December 1, 2014 Special Education Submission (cont.) Special Education Snapshot Template: 1.What should appear in Field 1 (Special Education) DISTRICT CODE? _____________ 2.What should appear in Field 2 LOCATION CODE? __________ 3.What should appear in Field 11 PRIMARY DISABILITY? _______ 4.What should appear in Field 44 EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT? ____ 5.What should appear in Field 70 SERVICE PROVIDER? ______________ 6.What should appear in Field 71 LOCATION OF SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES? _______________________________________________________________________ 7.Consider this: There are several regular education students residing with Terry at Shelter Care. Why wouldn’t Field 44 EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT be a 19/20/21? ________________________________________________________________________ 8.For Field 71 LOCATION OF SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES, why wouldn’t you have 0000 for the value?_____________________________________________________________ 19
It is now April 6, Should you update PIMS? ____________ Why? ______________________________ What templates are required? _______________________________________ 20
April 6, 2015 (cont.) What would be the values for these Student template fields? Student Template: 1.Field 2 LOCATION CODE? _________ 2.Field 167 SPECIAL EDUCATION REFERRAL? ___ 3.Field 217 DISTRICT CODE OF ENROLLMENT? _________________ 4.Is a value required for Field 67 STUDENT STATUS? ________ 5.Why?_______________________________________________ ( see Appendix L in your Mini-PIMS Manual page 4) What would be different in the School Enrollment template compared to what was submitted in late August 2014? School Enrollment Template: 1.Field 6 ENROLLMENT DATE? _____________________ 2.Field 7 ENROLLMENT CODE? _____________ 21
Let’s look at Child Accounting End of Year Submission It is now July 15, What templates do you submit to PIMS?_________________________________ Refreshing your memory, Terry Boring was at your school two different time periods. September 2, 2014-September 10, 2014 April 6, 2015 – June 5, 2015 Is this submission related to any Special Education submission?_________ Do you report the membership & attendance for the entire year? _________ Why? _____________________________________________________________ 22
Child Accounting End of Year (cont.) Student Calendar Fact Template 1.Field 5 DISTRICT CODE OF RESIDENCE? _________________________ 2.Field 6 FUNDING DISTRICT? _________________________ 3.Field 7 RESIDENCE STATUS CODE? __ 4.Field 15 SPECIAL EDUCATION INDICATOR? __ 5.Would you submit more than one Student Calendar Fact template? ___ 6. What happens if you submit two templates, the only differences being the values for Days Enrolled and Days Present for the two different time periods? ________________________________________________________________________ 23
July Special Education PIMS Submission What students should be on this collection? See page 11 of your Mini-PIMS Manual Would Terry Boring be on this collection? ____ Why? __________________________________________________________ 24
Did anything surprise you today? _________________________________________ What do you think causes confusion with these 3 collections? _____________________________________________________________________ What steps would you suggest to ‘clear the waters’ and ensure correct reporting? 1.__________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________ 25
Your superintendent has been signing Accuracy Certification Statements (ACS) throughout the year. Here is one example of the wording. I certify that the ‘name of the collection’ given on the files and summarized on the included ACS for ‘name of the collection’ is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and that it was prepared with internal controls in place and under my supervision. I also certify that my institution has processes and procedures in place to collect, compile and report this data and to mitigate the risk of error, fraud or omission and ensure the fair presentation of the data included herein. I have knowledge of these processes and procedures and certify that these systems and internal controls are working. What are some things that stand out in the ACS? _________________________________ Does you district comply with the ACS wording? _________ If no, what would be your first step? ___________________________________________ 26
Are we still happy? 27
Reporting a Student thru Different PIMS Submissions Barry Frye Manager of Student Data Information Systems Appalachia Intermediate Unit th Avenue Altoona, PA (ext. 1345) 28