Special Education Advisory Council Open House – September 21, 2015
Who We Are Working in collaboration with the UDSD Parents District Wide Resource Non Profit 501(c)3
Our Mission Statement The Special Education Advisory Council to the Upper Dublin School District is a non-profit parent organization. We support learning for all students and seek to ensure the needs of special education students are continuously identified and effectively addressed so that these students are given the opportunity to participate fully in the general education classroom. We provide education, information, support and resources to parents, teachers, school administration, and the community to increase awareness of the needs of these students.
Our Goals Increase awareness of the needs of special education students in the District Promote inclusion and the accommodation of the District's special education students Provide educational resources and information to parents of children with special needs within the District as well as District administrators and educators
Our Vision of Special Education in UDSD Social Skills programming with typical peers throughout K-12 Special education process incorporates parent concerns Regular education placement with supports and services as a first consideration Appropriate and adequate teacher training for inclusionary practices and differentiated instruction Evaluations and re- evaluations that contain easy to read visual charts of test score results
Steering Committee
ADD/ADHD Mary Ellen SmithAutism Karen Salomon Ali Wilbur Family Events Andra DrummondInclusion Barb Davis Learning Disabilities Michelle O’Toole Parent Buddies Ali Wilbur Public Relations Liz Lipp Social Skills Vacant Reading VacantTransitions Committees
Resources and Information Website Speaker Series Committees Parent Buddies
Special Education Data ReportSchool Year Total Enrollment4225 Total Special Education Enrollment462 Percent of Special Education Enrollment10.9% Special Education Enrollment in UDSD
Percentage Enrolled by DisabilitySchool Year Autism14.3% Emotional Disturbance10.6% Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation)4.8% Other Health Impairment18.8% Specific Learning Disability34.8% Speech or Language Impairment13.4% Source: Pennsylvania State Data Center Special Education Enrollment in UDSD
Accomplishments & Initiatives Fall 2014 Family Event at Bounce U Spring 2015 Get on Board Skateboard lessons 2014 Community Day Website redesign Parent Buddies restarted Learning Disabilities Committee Started Providing Scholarship Opportunities to UDSD for Conferences Co-hosting Cyber Bullying session with SRMS PTO Equity in Excellence subcommittee 6 Speaker Series sessions in Speaker Series planned for Fall 2015 & Winter 2016 Family Events Click Box
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Disclaimer SPEAC is not an advocacy group. We do not endorse specific products, educational programs, therapies, schools, services providers, or practices of individuals. We are not meant as a replacement for legal or medical advice.
Remember who we speak for…. Our children and their future! Remember who is at stake….