Natural Selection and Evidence of Evolution REVIEW
How did each influence Darwin in developing his theory of Natural Selection? Thomas Malthus Charles Lyell Alfred Wallace Selective Breeding
What are the 5 Steps of Natural Selection? What are the 3 steps of Speciation? What are isolating mechanisms and the founder’s effect?
Relative Age Dating Identify the different unconformities. Place the numbers in order, youngest to oldest.
Which is a good index fossil and why? (draw the index fossil(s))
Absolute Dating: Half-life Problems When a radioactive substance first cools, how much is radioactive? If a half-life of the substance is 1,000 years, what % of the material is still radioactive after 3,000 years? If 3.125% of the material is still radioactive, how old is the substance being measured if each half-life is 1,000 years?
Comparative Anatomy Are the wings in the dragon fly and butterfly used for flying Homologous, Vestigial, OR Neither?
Comparative Anatomy Are the flightless wings on the kiwi and lousefly considered Homologous, Vestigial, OR Neither?
Comparative Anatomy Are the fins on a shark and dolphin used for swimming Homologous, Vestigial, OR Neither?