ACT Power Plus Vocabulary Lesson Eight
deride – (v.) to ridicule; to mock The unpopular professor derided students who made mistakes. Synonyms scorn Antonyms praise
censure – (v.) to criticize sharply The judge censured the repeat offender for his criminal behavior. Synonyms condemn scorn Antonyms praise applaud
gambol – (v.) to frolic; to romp about playfully The pre-schoolers liked to gambol about on the playground. Synonyms play caper rollick
immolate – (v.) to kill someone as a sacrificial victim, usually by fire Some Buddhist monks immolated themselves in protest of the government’s policies.
recondite – (adj.) difficult to understand; profound Only a few students understood the recondite explanation of the theory.
martinet – (n.) a strict disciplinarian; taskmaster The teacher was a martinet who never made exceptions to the rule.
quagmire – (n.) a swamp; a difficult or inextricable situation The war was a political quagmire for three U.S. presidents.
gibe – (v.) to scoff; to ridicule; to make fun of His favorite pastime was to gibe at everything his wife said. Synonyms jeer taunt sneer Antonyms compliment praise
agape – (adj.) open-mouthed; surprised; agog Even the judge was agape when the witness told the ridiculous story in court. Synonyms astonished
carcinogen – (n.) causing cancer Benzene, a component of gasoline, is a carcinogen.
olfactory – (adj.) pertaining to smell If you have a cold, then your olfactory senses will not detect the gas leak.
imperious – (adj.) domineering; haughty The judge pronounced his findings in an imperious voice. Synonyms overbearing arrogant masterful Antonyms servile submissive
grotesque – (adj.) absurd; distorted The boy made a grotesque face behind the teacher’s back.
neologism – (n.) a new word or expression Some writers coin neologisms to confuse and impress their readers. Synonyms coinage
hackneyed – (adj.) commonplace; overused “Good as gold” is a hackneyed expression. Synonyms trite banal Antonyms fresh imaginative