Quit Smoking
Smoking is an unhealthy practice in which a cigarette or cigar is burned, resulting in smoke that is breathed and absorbed in the bloodstream. Cigarettes are made up of dried leaves of tobacco plant, which are responsible for innumerable deaths. This habit can harm every vital organ of your body. Quit Smoking
Harmful Chemicals in Cigarette Smoke Contains above 4,000 chemicals – majority of them are carcinogenic. Methane Nicotine Toluene Butane Arsenic DDTBenzene Ammonia Stearic Acid Formaldehyde Hydrogen Cyanide Carbon Monoxide
Most Hazardous Chemicals Tar – A poisonous substance that contains ammonia, acetone and toluene Carbon Monoxide – A toxic chemical that reduces oxygen in the body. Hydrogen Cyanide – A toxic element used in gas chambers. Heavy metals – Arsenic, Lead, Nickel and Cadmium
Most Hazardous Chemicals Nicotine – An addictive drug Benzene – Found in petrol Pesticides – Methoprene Naphthalene
Harmful Effects Of Smoking Hair Loss Less Oxygen Supply To The Brain Gum Disease Teeth Whitening And Tooth Loss Halitosis (Bad Breath) Cough And Cold Mouth And Throat Cancer High Blood Pressure Heart Disease Bronchitis, Emphysema And Other Pulmonary Diseases Lung Cancer Skin Dryness Wrinkled Skin Bladder Cancer Impotency Infertility Poor Muscle Tone Deep Vein Thrombosis Raynaud’s Disease (Affection of fingers and toes)
Benefits Of Quitting Smoking Following changes take place in your body the minute you cease smoking –
How to Quit Smoking Pick a date and start avoiding cigarette
How to Quit Smoking Behavioral Therapy A counselor can help you find the most effective ways to cease smoking. He/she provides emotional support and explains you about demerits.
How to Quit Smoking Nicotine Replacement Therapy Works by giving you nicotine without tobacco in the form of – Nicotine gum Nicotine patches Nicotine sprays Nicotine lozenges Nicotine inhalers
How to Quit Smoking Medications Therapeutic drugs are formulated to help quit smoking, such as – Bupropion (Generic Zyban) Varenicline (Generic Chantix)
Support Group Join a support group wherein people share their experiences of quitting smoking.
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