Ing. Vince Maione MCAST Quality Assurance Director V.E.T and Industry Working Together: A Quality Assurance Approach in Malta
WBL opportunities available today Apprenticeship (Two schemes) Work Placement Traineeship Ing. Vince Maione 2013
Difficulties with Current Schemes Uncontrolled Learning Disagreements on competences between V.E.T provider and Employer Different certifications – Lack of Trust Ing. Vince Maione 2013
What should be done? Well defined learning objectives Joint ownership of programmes Build Trust through Quality and Assessment – Accredited WBL Ing. Vince Maione 2013
Characteristics of Accredited WBL Learning outcomes clearly defined Practical work identified for each learning outcome Assessable criteria defined for each learning outcome Ing. Vince Maione 2013
Characteristics of Accredited WBL (Contd.) Assessment method agreed between Employer and V.E.T provider Assessor (from Employer) identified and “enrolled” by V.E.T provider (Adjunct Faculty Concept) Assessor generates assessment tasks that are verified by faculty at V.E.T provider Ing. Vince Maione 2013
Characteristics of Accredited WBL (Contd.) V.E.T provider regularly “inspects” Employer The programme which is delivered over two periods of 150 hours is assigned 6 ECVET points per period The Programme Year 1Year 2Total I50 Hours150 Hours300 Hours 6 ECVET 12 ECVET Ing. Vince Maione 2013