California Housing Workers’ Compensation Authority State of the JPA At a Glance California Housing Workers’ Compensation Authority State of the JPA At a Glance 2013 Board of Directors Meeting May 2, 2013
Staff introductions Administration Adrienne Beatty Jose Mederos Kristin Donovan Program Management Jackie Miller
Staff introductions (Cont’d.) Finance Nancy Broadhurst Vicky Quintrall Karim Sabuwalla Risk Control Dave Beal
Reducing the amount and frequency of losses Sharing the risk of self- insured losses Jointly purchasing and providing administrative and other services CHWCA Mission Statement The mission of the California Housing Workers’ Compensation Authority (CHWCA) is to protect member resources by providing a stable and economical Workers’ Compensation Program through an aggressive claims management policy and quality risk management services for its members. CHWCA was created in 1991 with the purpose of:
CHWCA Advantages Ownership and control of coverage, claims management, and risk control Representation on Board and Committees Share the cost of risk among similar entities Continuous claims oversight Dividend/retrospective plans and incentives
Member Obligations Prompt reporting of ALL claims to TPA Cooperation in adjusting/investigating claim Provide data to CHWCA Active Participation in Safety Program Attendance at Annual Board Meeting
Membership & Committees Membership (Board of Directors) 33 Members Executive Committee 7 Members Risk Management Committee 9 Members
Executive Committee Committees RepresentativeAgency Jim ShieldsSacramento H & RA Bob HoskinsKings County HA Bill FaganRiverbank HA Nick BenjaminMadera City HA Rudy TamayoContra Costa County HA Wes WeirEureka City/Humboldt County HA Stephen PelzKern County HA
Risk Management Committee Committees RepresentativeAgency Wes WeirEureka City/Humboldt County HA Wendell GarrettSacramento H & RA Jim KruseSan Joaquin County HA Todd CrabtreeMendocino CDC Patricia FriouVentura County HA Jennifer DawsonSan Bernardino County HA Linda NicholsSutter/Nevada County HA Janis HoltYolo County Housing Karen WilsonKern County HA
Current Premium (For Fiscal Year 2013) Pooled Portion $ 3,099,120 (1.9%) Purchased Excess $ 448,220 Total Premium $ 4.53 Million (1.8%) (Represents $131 million in estimated payroll) Equity Position (As of December 31, 2012) Total Net Assets $6,928,660 Confidence Level Budget Funding75% Dividend Distribution70% Overall Financial Position
SAFETY NATIONAL CASUALTY CORPORATION Commercial Excess Coverage WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Statutory Limits EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY$1,000,000 CHWCA Group Shared Self-Insurance WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Dollar One – $550,000 EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY Dollar One - $550,000 Workers’ Compensation Coverage
2 new EC Members CAJPA Re-Accreditation w/Excellence Strong and conservative financial position; actively managed funds. Revised experience modification factor calculation Mid-Layer Pool! CHWCA Highlights
Customized and innovative risk management program Re-vamped CHWCA website and access to Bickmore Risk Control Portal Proactive claims oversight; high level adjusting. Continued focus on “green” and efficient processes for collection and distribution of information. CHWCA Highlights
IIIInnovative uses for future equity distributions EEEExpansion/revisions to RC program SSSSuccession Planning/Member engagement 2013 Strategic Planning Considerations