2 CABIN CREW REQUIREMENTS: what for ? Cabin and Passenger safety Assistance and protection of passengers, cabin surveillance, first-aid, fire-fighting, survival... Flight safety and Security Contribution to prevention and mitigation of hazards, incidents, accidents
European Aviation Safety Agency 3 Content 1. Context and trends 2. Regulatory background 3. Regulation (EC) 216/2008 What is known and what is new 4. NPA proposed Implementing Rules Cabin crew, Operators, Authorities
European Aviation Safety Agency 4 1. Context and trends Single market, competition, mobility Passenger’s profile Change in biometrics and behaviour Security rules Sterile cockpit and major change in procedures Air passengers‘ rights Growing demands of the travelling public Very large transport aeroplanes Ultra-long range operations
European Aviation Safety Agency 5 2. Regulatory background
European Aviation Safety Agency 6 Regulatory background ICAO Annex 6 Part I Chapter 12 Part II Chapter 3.12 Development of different national regulatory systems in the Member States
European Aviation Safety Agency 7 Regulatory background First steps towards harmonisation From the early 90s: JAR-OPS 1 To be transposed by the Member States into their national legislation Rules directed to the Operators responsible for the competence of cabin crew Allowed national variants & different processes Since 16 July 2008: EU OPS Requirements to the Operator (≈ Section 1 of JAR-OPS 1) New attestation as evidence of initial safety training, issued to the CCM by the Authority, or on its behalf by an operator or a training organisation specifically approved to do so Towards more harmonisation but some national differences remain
European Aviation Safety Agency 8 Regulatory background Towards harmonisation: EU OPS Only for cabin crew in commercial air transport Minimum requirements Medical fitness required to be assessed at regular intervals but no detailed medical requirements: implementation ranges from self-assessment by the individual to medical certification according to national rules Common training requirements but interpretation and implementation vary depending on the Member State and on the operator
European Aviation Safety Agency 9 Regulatory background Towards harmonisation: EU OPS The views of the EU legislator regarding EU OPS provisions for cabin crew : as stated in a new recital to Regulation (EEC) 3922/91: ‘In the review of certain provisions referred to in Article 8a, the course towards further harmonisation of cabin crew training requirements hitherto adopted should be maintained, in order to facilitate the free movement of cabin crew personnel within the Community. In this context, the possibility of further harmonisation of cabin crew qualifications should be re-examined’.
European Aviation Safety Agency Regulation (EC) 216/ ‘BR‘ ‘FURTHER HARMONISATION OF CABIN CREW QUALIFICATIONS’ ?
European Aviation Safety Agency 11 BR - Article 2 Objectives 1.The principal objective of this Regulation is to establish and maintain a high uniform level of civil aviation safety in Europe 2.Additional objectives (…) (b) to facilitate the free movement of goods, persons and services; (f) to provide a level playing field for all actors in the internal aviation market.
European Aviation Safety Agency 12 BR - Article 2 Objectives 3.The means of achieving the objectives set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be: (a) the preparation, adoption and uniform application of all necessary acts; (b) the recognition, without additional requirements, of certificates, licences, approvals or other documents granted to products, personnel and organisations in accordance with this Regulation and its implementing rules; (d) the uniform implementation of all necessary acts by the national aviation authorities and the Agency within their respective areas of responsibility.
European Aviation Safety Agency 13 BR - Article 8 Air operations 4. Cabin crew involved in the operation of aircraft referred to in Article 4(1)(b) and (c) shall comply with the essential requirements laid down in Annex IV. Those involved in commercial operations shall hold an attestation as initially set out in Annex III, Subpart O, point (d) of OPS as set out in Regulation (EC) 1899/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 (1); at the discretion of the Member State, such attestation may be issued by approved operators or training organisations.
European Aviation Safety Agency 14 BR - Article 8 Air operations 5.The measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Article, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 65(4). Those measures shall specify in particular: … (e) conditions for issuing, maintaining, amending, limiting, suspending or revoking the cabin crew attestation referred to in paragraph 4
European Aviation Safety Agency 15 BR - Annex IV Essential requirements for air operations 7.a. The number and composition of the crew must be determined taking into account: (i) the certification limitations of the aircraft, including if applicable, the relevant emergency evacuation demonstration; (ii) the aircraft configuration; and (iii) the type and duration of operation.
European Aviation Safety Agency 16 BR - Annex IV Essential requirements for air operations 7.b. Cabin crew members must: (i) be trained and checked on a regular basis to attain and maintain an adequate level of competency in order to perform their assigned safety duties; and (ii) be periodically assessed for medical fitness to safely exercise their assigned safety duties. Compliance must be shown by appropriate assessment based on aero-medical best practice.
European Aviation Safety Agency 17 BR - To summarise Regulation 216/2008 requires the Agency to develop implementing rules that ensure FOR ALL CABIN CREW: common training and medical requirements FOR CABIN CREW IN CAT: to hold a cabin crew attestation as proof of compliance with the rules Uniform implementation of the requirements Legal certainty for the individual Facilitation of mobility Level playing field for all actors
European Aviation Safety Agency NPA proposed implementing rules ‘FURTHER HARMONISATION OF CABIN CREW QUALIFICATIONS’ ?
European Aviation Safety Agency 19 NPA proposed Implementing Rules EU law drafting requiring to avoid repetitions, some requirements for cabin crew in non-commercial operations are in Part-CC (training programmes) and in Part-MED (medical reqts for the individual) To fit the overall structure, training programmes from EU OPS and Section 2 of JAR-OPS 1 have been re-allocated between IRs and AMC/GM and between Parts (CC and OR)
European Aviation Safety Agency 20 NPA proposed Implementing Rules What is known and what is new Minimum age, training and operational requirements based on EU OPS for all cabin crew In addition, for cabin crew in CAT The EU OPS ‘attestation of training’ as evidence of initial training is replaced by a ‘cabin crew attestation’ that may be limited, suspended or revoked by the competent authority [Art 8. 5 (e)]
European Aviation Safety Agency 21 NPA proposed Implementing Rules What is known and what is new Compliance of cabin crew with the rules already required by EU OPS needs be assessed by means of some ‘certification’ process [ref. definitions Article 3. (e) and (g)] Cabin crew attestations shall only be issued, and maintained valid, when the applicable training and medical requirements are, and continue to be, met
European Aviation Safety Agency 22 NPA proposed Implementing Rules What is known and what is new Member States may decide that operators or training organisations issue cabin crew attestations provided they are specifically approved to do so [Article 8. 4] However, competent authorities only may limit, suspend or revoke cabin crew attestations
European Aviation Safety Agency 23 Summary of similarities and differences JAR/EU OPS # NPA proposed implementing rules Applicability to Cabin Crew in: = Commercial Air Transport (CAT) + Non-Commercial Operations Same training requirements but different structure and distribution: = Based on EU OPS and Section 2 of JAR-OPS 1 ≠ Differently distributed between IRs and AMC/GM ≠ Aircraft type and recurrent training differentiated between: - type-specific ref. CC attestation, and - operator-specific training
European Aviation Safety Agency 24 Summary of similarities and differences JAR/EU OPS # NPA proposed implementing rules Cabin Crew Attestation in Commercial Air Transport ≠ Different from the ‘evidence of training’ in EU OPS + Proof of compliance of CCM with the requirements + Shall be maintained valid = Competence to be checked ≠ Medical fitness assessed acc. aero-medical best practice
25 Basic Regulation Cover Regulation Personnel Requirements Annex I Part-FCL Annex II Part-MED Annex III Acceptance of TC Licence Annex IV Conversion of National Licences Annex V Part-CC Cover Regulation Organisation Requirements Annex I Part-OR Cover Regulation Authority Requirements Annex I Part-AR Cover Regulation Air Operations Requirements Annex I Part-OPS Cover Regulation Third Country Op. Requirements Annex I Part-TCO PARTS STRUCTURE and Cabin Crew rules Parts with relevance to cabin crew competence
European Aviation Safety Agency 26 Proposed NPA Implementing Rules Authority Requirements Subpart AR.CC Cabin Crew Personnel Cover Regulation Annex II – Part-Medical Subpart E - Medical fitness and Annex V – Part-Cabin Crew Organisation Requirements Subpart OR.OPS Air Operations Section VI – Cabin Crew
27 Part-CC Subpart GEN General requirements Subpart CCA Specific requirements for the cabin crew attestation Subpart TRA Training requirements for the cabin crew attestation Competent Authority, Scope, Definition, Application, Minimum age, Privileges and conditions Issuance, Validity, Limitation, suspension and revocation of the cabin crew attestation Conduct of training courses, examination and checking Initial safety training, Aircraft type-specific training Recurrent training
28 Part-MED Subpart A General requirements Subpart E Requirements for medical fitness of cabin crew Section 4 General, Frequency of aero-medical examinations and assessments, Aero-medical examinations and assessments Section 1 General requirements Section 2 Specific requirements for medical fitness of cabin crew
European Aviation Safety Agency 29 What is known and what is new Requirement for continuous medical fitness Periodical assessments Based on aero-medical best practice Frequency of medical examinations and medical conditions already described by aero-medical experts have been scrutinised according to their relevance and compatibility with the safe performance of cabin crew duties and required training
European Aviation Safety Agency 30 What is known and what is new The proposed medical requirements may be seen as similar to those for Class 2 medical certificates as regards the medical conditions described, but most evaluations by specialists are not required, except, for some of them, at initial examination and, in most cases, only when clinically indicated e.g. relaxed requirement for colour vision and very few stricter requirements for conditions incompatible with cabin crew duties and responsibilities to the travelling public or with the operating environment the most serious cardiac conditions, visual system otorhino-laryngology pregnancy …
European Aviation Safety Agency 31 What is known and what is new To perform the same duties and associated training common medical requirements for all cabin crew : to ensure an uniform level of fitness and performance within all EU to facilitate free movement (e.g. from/to commercial and non- commercial operations) Differences proposed for proportionality purposes Aero-medical examinations and assessments to be conducted by: General medical practitioners for cabin crew in non-commercial operations, AME or AeMC for cabin crew in commercial air transport Frequency of examinations and assessments after initial: Longer intervals for cabin crew in non-commercial operations
32 Annex I Part-OR OR.GEN NPA c OR.OPS NPA OR.OPS.GEN OR.OPS.MLR OR.OPS.DEC OR.OPS.AOC OR.OPS.FC OR.OPS.CC OR.OPS.TC OR.OPS.FTL OR.OPS.SEC OR.ATO NPA c CS-FSTD(A) NPA d CS-FSTD(H) NPA e OR.AeMC NPA c Section VI Cabin Crew Chapter 1 Common requirements Chapter 2 Additional requirements for CAT
33 Part-OR Subpart OPS Section VI – Cabin Crew Chapter 1 Common requirements Chapter 2 Additional requirements for Commercial Air Transport Scope Number and composition of CC, Conditions for assignment to duties, Training courses and checking, Initial safety training, Operator’s aircraft type training, Familiarisation, Operator’s recurrent training, Operator’s refresher training Number and composition of CC, Conditions for assignment to duties, Training courses and checking, Operation on more than one aircraft type or variant, Single cabin crew operations, Senior cabin crew member
European Aviation Safety Agency 34 Training tool box? For cabin crew in CAT For cabin crew in non-commercial ops Initial a/c type specific a/c - OP Recurrent (gen + a/c) Recurrent (TO) Familiarisation Part CC for CCA Part OR OPS Part OR OPS Initial* a/c OP + type specific* Familiarisation Recurrent (gen + a/c) For 1rst OP For subs OP For all OP
European Aviation Safety Agency 35 Requirements for the Authority Part AR Subpart CC Section I Organisations providing cabin crew training Approval of organisations providing cabin crew training Section II Cabin crew attestations Procedures for the issue of a cabin crew attestation Format and specifications for cabin crew attestations Limitation, suspension or revocation of cabin crew attestations
European Aviation Safety Agency 36 Cabin crew competence related elements still subject to national provisions BR does not require common criteria to be specified for the approval of organisations providing cabin crew training NPA proposal: approval based on national requirements/procedures BR does not require common criteria to be specified for the qualifications of instructors and examiners Area remaining subject to national provisions
European Aviation Safety Agency 37 Cabin crew competence related elements still subject to national provisions BR does not require the issuance of medical certificates NPA proposal: since medical assessment of unfitness may lead to limitation, suspension or revocation of the cabin crew attestation by the competent authority, information shall be provided by the AME to the said competent authority but only in case of ‘suspected unfitness’ or ‘unfit assessment’, and according to procedures to be established by the competent authority
European Aviation Safety Agency 38 Next step ? Reminding: 1. The context and trends, 2. The regulatory steps toward harmonisation in Europe, 3. Regulation 216/2008 as applicable to cabin crew, and 4. The NPA proposed IRs due to comply with the objectives foreseen by the EU legislator in Regulation 216/2008, The next step will be the final outcome of the consultation for the Opinion, thus now depending on the contributions from all interested parties
European Aviation Safety Agency 39 Where to find the proposed requirements for cabin crew? First, the related Explanatory Memorundum: NPA a – Appendix IV, pages 59 to 65 Relating to all CC (non-commercial ops and CAT): NPA c – Part-OR, Subpart OPS, Section VI Cabin Crew, IRs from page 18 to 24, and AMCs/GM from page 103 to 113 Relating to the cabin crew attestation in CAT: NPA e - Part-CC and supplement to Part-MED (all document page 1 to 23) Relating to the authority requirements relevant to the cabin crew attestation: NPA d from page 14 to 19 Cross-reference tables: NPA f from page 68 to 73 and 107 to page 145 to 147, 150 to 151, 181 to 182
European Aviation Safety Agency 40 NPA proposed IRs for Cabin Crew Questions?