INTRODUCTION The Royal Mounted Canadian Police defies Cybercrime as “any crime where cyber, the Internet and information technologies, such as computers, tablets, personal digital assistants or mobile devices, has a substantial role in the commission of a criminal offence. Advanced persistent threats (APTs) on the other hand is defined by Symantec as “a form of attack that uses multiple phases to break into a network, avoid detection, and harvest valuable information over the long term How do advanced persistent threats work? Specific cases of advanced persistent threats. Legal and social implications of advanced persistent threats Future implications of advanced persistent threats Temitayo Oloyede - Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (Comp 607)
Phases of an Advanced Persistent Threat The final stage involves capturing valuable data and sending it from an organization’s system to that of the attackers. It should be noted that this must also be done while avoiding detection Exfiltration After access is gained into an organization’s internal system. Attackers then explore the systems to see what valuable data can be captured. Exploration The next phase involves attackers gaining unauthorized access to an organization’s internal network and systems by hacking into them Intrusion The first stage is usually where attackers gather information on the intended target. Information gathered at this stage is in some cases are relatively harmless and in most cases not confidential Reconnaissance Temitayo Oloyede - Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (Comp 607)
Cases of Advanced Persistent threats Temitayo Oloyede - Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (Comp 607)
Cases of Advanced Persistent threats Temitayo Oloyede - Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (Comp 607)
Cases of Advanced Persistent threats Temitayo Oloyede - Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (Comp 607)
Legal & Social Implications of Advanced Persistent Threats One of major legal issues posed by advanced persistent threat is no evidence. Without evidence, sanctions cannot be levied against individuals, organizations or countries that sponsor or engage in advanced persistent threat attacks. Is retaliation ethical in the absence of evidence? Temitayo Oloyede - Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (Comp 607)
Legal & Social Implications of Advanced Persistent Threats Other implications of advanced persistent threats include: Temitayo Oloyede - Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (Comp 607) Use of Strong EncryptionAdvancing of IT SecurityPublic Awareness
Future Implications of Advanced Persistent Threats Temitayo Oloyede - Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (Comp 607) Growth in IT Security IndustryGround-breaking Tech in IT SecurityCyber Warfare
Conclusion Advanced persistent threats would lead to the development of new security techniques and infrastructure to help combat attacks. Although these advanced security techniques might also provide a cover for criminal activities, advanced persistent threats pose a far greater risk if left unmitigated. Questions ? Questions and comments are welcomed and would be addressed on Athabasca Landing. Temitayo Oloyede - Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (Comp 607)