What can you do? Find information Check spelling Find out how you learn best Plan your learning and revision Get help from others Use online dictionaries, Thesaurus etc. Store your work Online tests Download Apps
Don’t get bogged down in detail – what is it you really need to know? A lot of rubbish and inaccuracies on the internet - beware! Enter searches with care rubbish in = rubbish out
Apply brain! Don’t just copy! Build a picture using different sources. Plagiarism... Danger – exam boards and school have software that will find out where you copied it from (It even sends an to the person from who you copied it!)
There is free software to help plan your revision There is online storage – Dropbox, Google Docs Sort out your memory stick into subjects and projects. Backup, backup, backup! Exam papers / Mark Schemes etc. can often be downloaded from exam board sites
SCHOOL WEBSITE Check there first! The information will be relevant to YOUR exam. Doodle is now available for revision For example Maths, French and Spanish textbooks will are online. Make sure you have a password – remember it!
A Warning!
Research has proved that excessive Facebook can cost you a grade!
Avoid online distractions!
A look at some ideas – using special section of the school website. An opportunity to feedback good sites that you find so that they can be shared with others Look at the exam keywords definitions A chance to use an online quiz to discover your learning style. Use this to pick up some tips on how you revise best