TOPICS FOR TODAY ▪ The 5 Ws of the PFT ▪ Who ▪ What? ▪ Where? ▪ When? ▪ Why? (Not necessarily in that order…)
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ▪ Districts required to submit physical fitness test results to CDE annually ▪ State, county, district, and school results posted on the Internet every year ( ▪ Results included in each school’s SARC ▪ Individual results reported to students WHY?
RESULTS INCLUDED IN SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT CARDS (SARCS) Grade LevelFour of Six Standards Five of Six Standards Six of Six Standards School SARCs are available on the district’s web site SARCs will be available February 1, 2013 School SARCs are available on the district’s web site SARCs will be available February 1, 2013
CA ED CODE GOVERNING PFT ▪ TITLE 5. Education Division 1. California Department of Education Chapter 2. Pupils Subchapter 4. Statewide Testing of Pupils and Evaluation Procedures Article 2. Physical Performance Testing Programs ▪ California Ed Code number: ▪ § Methods of Administration. ▪ (a) The tests shall be administered and scored by employees of the district or the employees of the county superintendent of schools. The scoring thereof shall be in compliance with the instructions of the publisher or developer for scoring, and the scores shall be submitted to the governing board of the school district on the dates required by, and on forms prescribed or approved by, such governing board. WHO?
ADMINISTERING THE TEST ▪ Student Participation ▪ ALL students in grades 5, 7, and 9 ▪ Required to participate whether or not enrolled in a PE class ▪ Statute does not provide for exception--every effort should be made to test all students ▪ SBE expects schools to show evidence that all students are tested during the testing window ▪ Senate Bill 78 (effective July 1, 2007) ▪ Existing law allows districts to exempt students from PE for up to two years in grades ▪ Beginning with the Class of 2011, students must pass the PFT to be granted the exemption WHO?
A ninth (9 th ) grader is a student in the Class of 2016
ADMINISTERING THE TEST (CONT.) ▪ Students with special needs ▪ Given as much of test as conditions permit ▪ Must be included in the physical fitness test with individual modifications and accommodations as needed ▪ IEP team decides how students with special needs will participate ▪ Additional tests available to accommodate students with special needs WHO?
ADMINISTERING THE TEST (CONT.) ▪ FitnessGram – Five Required Components ▪ Body Composition ▪ Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation using height/weight ONLY (no skinfold) ▪ Aerobic Capacity VO 2 Max ▪ Every student must have Height and Weight so Aerobic Capacity VO 2 Max can be calculated ▪ One Mile Run ▪ Abdominal/Trunk Strength ▪ Curl-up and Trunk Lift ▪ Upper Body Strength ▪ Push-Up ▪ Flexibility ▪ Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach WHAT?
ADMINISTERING THE TEST (CONT.) ▪ FitnessGram – Alternative Tests allowed ▪ Body Composition ▪ Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation using height/weight ONLY (no skinfold) ▪ Aerobic Capacity VO 2 Max ▪ Every student must have Height and Weight so Aerobic Capacity VO 2 Max can be calculated ▪ 20m Pacer OR Walk Test (not recommended – Requires Heart Rate) ▪ Abdominal/Trunk Strength ▪ No alternative tests ▪ Upper Body Strength ▪ Modified Pull–up OR Flexed-arm Hang ▪ Flexibility ▪ Shoulder Stretch WHAT?
Do not enter a number beyond the max allowed *Students receive a 1 for attempting the test. Test ItemScore Range Allowed One-Mile Run minutes seconds 20-Meter Pacer laps Walk Test minutes seconds Walk Test Heart Rate (# beats per minute) Curl-Up*01-75 Trunk Lift00-12 Push-Up*01-75 Modified Pull-Up*01-75 Flexed Arm Hang00-90 seconds Back-Saver Sit and Reach (must enter scores for both Left and Right) Shoulder StretchP or F (pass or fail) MAXIMUM SCORES ALLOWED WHAT? Please note: max time allowed on one-mile run is 13 minutes, and min score allowed on 20- meter PACER is 10 laps. Students with one-mile run times greater than 13 min or PACER scores of less than 10 laps will not be scored but will be reported as “Needs Improvement.”
REMINDER: BODY COMPOSITION (BMI) Each student who takes 1 or more tests MUST have Height and Weight recorded. Student will not pass either Body Composition or Aerobic Capacity without Height and Weight and will be counted in the Needs Improvement percentages for both areas.
COLLECTING/REPORTING RESULTS ▪ PFT results are due to the state by June 30, 2013 ▪ Ed Code requires data to be recorded by district employee – NOT by students ▪ District test window is Feb.1 – April 12 to allow for data corrections ▪ All PFT data must be entered into ABI no later than April 12, 2013 ▪ Data submission required for each student enrolled -- whether fully tested, partially tested, or not tested at all ▪ First test date for each student should be Feb. 1 or later WHEN AND WHERE?
STUDENTS COMPLETE NO TESTS ▪ Some students may have a valid reason for not completing any tests ▪ 10 = Absent on test date and all make-up sessions for all tests ▪ 13 = Individualized education program (IEP)/Section 504 plan/Disabilities ▪ 14 = Extraordinary circumstances ▪ 15 = Medical excuse ▪ Enrolled after testing completed – use code 10 ▪ Mark valid reason in the ISSUES box for each student who did not complete any tests
STUDENTS COMPLETE SOME TESTS ▪ Enter results for each test he/she took ▪ Leave fields blank for tests not attempted (i.e., do not fill in these fields in with zeros) ▪ Mark a valid reason in the ISSUES box for each student with partial participation ▪ Incomplete Test Issue codes: ▪ 20 = absent on test date ▪ 23 = IEP/Special Needs ▪ 24 = Extraordinary circumstances ▪ 25 = Medical Excuse
Student has NO test data or has MISSING test data – select reason in Issues box “Not Tested” reasons refer to students who took NO tests “Incomplete” reasons refer to students who took at least one but not all tests
SUBMITTING PFT ▪ All data must be marked completely and accurately! ▪ Double check info for all students ▪ Missing or incomplete data ▪ PE teacher and Joshua Lange will be notified of corrections to be made ▪ Data submitted will be reported to State and will be reflected on SARC ▪ REMEMBER…all data must be recorded in ABI by April 12, 2013
REPORTS ▪ Class Reports ▪ Results available in ABI ▪ Individual Student Reports ▪ Report file with results for each student is placed in school’s online folder ▪ Each school will determine how to distribute reports to students ▪ “Healthy Fitness Zones” chart available on
Additional performance standards used in the CDE reports PERFORMANCE STANDARDS
CALCULATING VO 2 MAX Excel spreadsheet available from Assessment & Accountability on CDE website (
QUIZ TIME ▪ Where are PFT results available on the Internet? ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Answer: A
QUIZ TIME ▪ WHAT elements are critical to calculation of aerobic capacity? ▪ Heart rate and blood pressure ▪ Heart rate and weight ▪ Height and weight ▪ Blood pressure and weight ▪ Answer: C
QUIZ TIME ▪ When must all results be recorded in ABI? ▪ April 1, 2013 ▪ April 5, 2013 ▪ April 12, 2013 ▪ April 19, 2013 ▪ Answer: C
QUIZ TIME ▪ What is the Ed Code number requiring PFT Testing each spring? ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Answer: D
QUIZ TIME ▪ What should be done for a student who completes no tests within the testing window? ▪ Schedule a make-up test ▪ Mark Participation Level as NONE and mark a valid reason for no participation ▪ Mark zeros for all tests ▪ Mark 999 for all tests ▪ Answer: B
QUESTIONS? ▪ Call Assessment & Accountability: (909) ▪