UNIVERSITY OF MURCIA FEBRUARY 15-18, 2016 FEBRUARY 15-18, 2016 DARE Developing programs for Access of Disadvantaged groups of People and Regions to higher Education Eva Casanova Saavedra Member of Technical Staff (MTS) in ADYV
ADYV Atención a la Diversidad y Voluntariado A atención a la D diversidad Y V voluntariado
ADYV Atención a la Diversidad y Voluntariado What does it mean ADyV? Care for Diversity and Volunteering
ADYV Atención a la Diversidad y Voluntariado PURPOSES -help the youth community of the University of Murcia (UM) giving advice for psychological, academic, juridical and social needs; -improve quality of life of students with and without disability, providing them equal educational opportunity for integration and inclusion in society; -promote solidarity through volunteering activities in order to increase social consciousness and responsibility in the university community.
ADYV Atención a la Diversidad y Voluntariado “Diversity and Volunteering” Two different programs with their own specific aim: “Atención a la Diversidad” “Programa de Voluntariado Universitario” (Care for diversity) (University Volunteering Program)
“University Volunteering Program” Programa de Voluntaridao Universitario “University Volunteering Program” offers the opportunity to help in volunteering projects about social exclusion, cultural, environmental, sport field. “Care for diversity volunteering project” helps students with disability (to make notes, mediate, displacements). “European Volunteering Service” ADyV is hosting, sending and coordinating organization for international young people. “Volunteering training” like virtual lessons on how to support disadvantages groups (children, teenagers, disabled, elderly people, immigrants, etc.). “Alojamiento Compartido Service” accommodations for people with intellectual disability and university volunteers.
“Care for diversity” Atención a la Diversidad Specific advice to Students, Employees, and Professors/Researchers of UM “Support for students with disability or special needs” helping during the academic courses and exams with adapted studies-methodology and technological instruments, individual assistance (volunteers, sign language interpreter, etc.), promoting accessibility and design for all. “Individual Counseling” for the university community (psychological, pedagogical, juridical). “Training” about Self-help like anxiety control, self confidence workshop, social abilities, integration and communication techniques, etc. “Health Community Program” better life style and a higher quality of life in our society (drugs, smoke, alcohol, nutrition).
Inclusive Summer Camp Campus Inclusivo “Inclusive Summer Camp” is oriented to young people with disability in order to get them in touch with the University world. AIM -give equal educational opportunity and motivation to study in order to have more chances in job field.
Prizes National Certification “Premio Telefónica Ability Awards” 2015 Best organization in Public Service given by Reina Doña Leticia “Premio Solidarios ONCE” 2014 Región de Murcia ONCE “Ability Telefónica Ability Awards” Accessibility and customer orientation 2012 “Premio Reina Sofia” 2011 for project to SAOP given by Reina Doña Sofia
UNIVERSITY OF MURCIA FEBRUARY 15-18, 2016 FEBRUARY 15-18, 2016 DARE Developing programs for Access of Disadvantaged groups of People and Regions to higher Education Thank you for your attention.