Week #10 Day 1: Anticipatory Set Essential Question: How do Newton’s Laws of Motion affect my life? Standards: 1.1. and 1.2. Agenda: Anticipatory Set. Finish Lab and Wksht (6 and 7 only.) Online Lab Newton’s Laws. Homework: Chapter 3 Test: 10/23/14. Test Review due 10/23/14. Tomorrow: Watch Apollo 13 and videoguide. Exit: Go over quizzes (6 and 7 only.) 1 st Law activity (1 st only.) ICP 10/20
Week #10 Day 2: Anticipatory Set Essential Question: How do Newton’s Laws of Motion affect my life? Standards: 1.1. and 1.2. Agenda: Anticipatory Set. Watch Apollo 13 and videoguide. Homework: Chapter 3 Test: 10/23/14. Ch. 3 Test Review due 10/23/14. Tomorrow: Air Resistance Lab. Gravity Activity. Exit: P. 85 #18. ICP 10/21
Week #10 Day 3: Anticipatory Set Essential Question: How do Newton’s Laws of Motion affect my life? Standards: 1.1. and 1.2. Agenda: Anticipatory Set. Finish Online Newton’s Lab. Finish Notes. Review Game. Homework: Chapter 3 Test: 10/23/14. Ch. 3 Test Review due 10/23/14. Tomorrow: Test Ch. 3. Exit: Test Review/Check for Understanding. ICP 10/22
Week #10 Day 4: Anticipatory Set Essential Question: How do Newton’s Laws of Motion affect my life? Standards: 1.1. and 1.2. Agenda: Anticipatory Set. Test Ch. 3. Start Vocab Ch. 4. Homework: Vocab Ch. 4 due 10/30/14. Vocab Quiz 10/30/14. Tomorrow: Work Pretest. Notes: Work. Work Practice Problems. Exit: Exit Slip. ICP 10/23
Week #10 Day 5: Anticipatory Set Essential Question: What is the scientific definition of work? How is it different from our cultural definition of work? Standards: 1.1. and 1.2. Agenda: Anticipatory Set. Work Pretest. Notes: Work. Work Practice Problems. Homework: Vocab Ch. 4 due 10/30/14. Vocab Quiz 10/30/14. Monday: Go over tests. Power Notes. Power Problems. Exit: P.107 #1 and 2. ICP 10/24