1 DLESE Metadata: Collections Development, Cataloging, and Sample Records Katy Ginger Tammy Sumner Karon Kelly
2 Presentation Outline 1. Organizing Principles of Materials Collections Overview DLESE Collections Policy DLESE Broad Collection DLESE Reviewed Collection DLESE Core Collection Collection Efforts from Proposals Collection Efforts from the Community 2. Metadata Group Responsibilities DLESE Framework Purpose of the Metadata Working Group Key Tasks Metadata Working Group Collection Granularity of Materials Catalog Process IMS Standard IMS Defined Categories Community Defined Metadata Catalog Guidelines 3. Metadata Records Sample Metadata Records Sample Record: Remote Sensing Metadata Group Achievements 4. Closer Interactions Library Structure & Search Buckets NSDL Goals and Thoughts Questions Web Links for Presentation
3 Collections Overview DLESE Collections Policy: establishes an Broad and Reviewed Collection May have a Core Collection (centrally held materials of the Reviewed Collection) DLESE collection efforts populate the Broad Collection Each collection effort has a different purpose
4 DLESE Collections Policy DLESE is an information system dedicated to the collection, enhancement, and distribution of materials that facilitate learning about the Earth System and interdisciplinary areas. Favor materials that: Bring the Earth into the learning site. Connect the general with the specific, theory with evidence. Connect the global with the local.
5 DLESE Broad Collection A broad and deep collection of materials that: 1. Follow DLESE’s Collections Policy. 2. Conform to DLESE's Intellectual Property Policy (not yet written and includes more than copyright). 3. Have relevance to Earth system education. 4. Pass a basic science integrity test. Resources in the Broad Collection do not have any further reviews than the filters listed above.
6 DLESE Reviewed Collection Materials that pass the Broad Collection filters and are: Well documented Easy to use Bug-free Motivational for learners Pedagogically effective Scientifically accurate Fosters mastery of significant understandings or skill Classroom tested About 10% of the Broad Collection
7 DLESE Core Collection (Possible) About 10% of the materials from the Reviewed Collection Reproduced electronically at a centralized site like DLESE A permanent archival copy of a resource
8 Collection Efforts (from proposals) 1.DLESE Metadata Working Group (100)* 2.DLESE Collections Subcommittee (5000) 3.NASA Educational Materials (unknown) 4.DLESE Geo Proposal (1000) 5.K-12 Water in the Earth System Group (100)* 6.COMET Multimedia Elements (10,000?) 7.ADEPT ?
9 Collection Efforts (from community) Suggest/Browse URL’s at: Soon to be searchable Others who might use DLESE Metadata Southern California Earthquake Center Lake Tahoe Digital Library: Univ. of NV (Reno) Geoscience Digital Image Library
10 DLESE Framework DLESE Steering Committee DLESE Subcommittees Collections Technology Users Services DLESE Program Center (DPC) Working Groups Metadata GUI Use Cases Policy Operations Working groups solve specific problems and support the subcommittees in crafting policy
11 Purpose of Metadata Group Develop metadata scheme for Earth system science education Address Action Item 2 from Panel 3 Report of Portal to the Future Workshop Define what "well documented" means for each category of materials Metadata: Information about a resource that aids in the discovery of that resource for meeting a user need
12 Key Tasks of Metadata Group 1. Identify resources for the DLESE collection 2. Interpret the metadata framework 3. Develop controlled terminologies 4. Implement community search ideas and assessment techniques into the DLESE metadata framework 5. Catalog resources 6. Develop MECCA (Metadata Entry Tool for Community Centered Assets), a user-friendly cataloging tool 7. Provide cataloging and metadata training to groups involved in the DLESE collection efforts.
13 Metadata Group Collection Laboratory Exercises Conceptual Images Pedagogy Tutorials Case Studies/ Virtual Field Trips Student Portfolios Tools (e.g. Calculators) Scientific Papers Professional Opportunities Problem SetsTheme or Portal Sites CoursesLesson Plans/ Syllabi Images, Animations, Video (observed) Large Data Sets History of Geoscience Assessment Tools/ Rubrics Animations, Applets, Models (simulations) Large Data Set Tools
14 Granularity of Materials Describe resources enough to support discovery -- assuming a reasonable user If a resource has a high level of division that is obvious, do 1 record (believe 1 record can be thorough enough and would forgo frustration of too many records). If a sub-unit differs substantially in computer requirements, descriptions and educational data then catalog the sub-unit as a 2 nd record. This choice provides consistency, works with current catalog staffing levels, and addresses the Collections Policy. Community developed collections may have different levels of granularity.
15 Catalog Process Current: Use editor, XML Spy, to manually catalog resources with some controlled vocabularies Each resource has a metadata creator and editor (see Gary for database ingest info.) Future: Java-based catalog tool called MECCA (Metadata Entry for Community Centered Assets) to enter data and create XML records
16 IMS Standard Describes educational learning objects Permits multiple levels of granularity Supports extensibility Uses XML for portable data exchange in both content and structure
17 IMS Defined Categories General: Context-independent features (e.g title) LifeCyle: Features related to the life cycle MetaMetaData: Features of the metadata Technical: Technical features Educational: Educational or pedagogic features Rights: Conditions of use Relation: Relationships to other resources. Annotation: Comments on the educational use Classification: Specific characteristics that aid resource discovery. The characteristics may be features of existing classification schemes (e.g. National Science Education Standards) or may be defined by the user community (e.g. level of review, grade level, and learning styles).
18 Community Desired Metadata Incorporate the National Science Education Standards Indicate level of peer review and classroom testing Reference related resources (e.g.evaluation reports, other exercises or labs) Include instructor comments as annotations
19 Catalog Guidelines Developed initial best practice guide (ongoing) Used IMS category and field definitions to create DLESE category and field definitions Controlled vocabularies are in process (contacting professional societies for subject ones) Create minimal metadata sets for community developed collections (e.g. K-12 group)
20 Sample Metadata Records Remote Sensing Using Satellites Module: Granularity Coverage Related resources Mountain Simulation & Solar System Simulator: Technical requirements Data a little hard to catalog if not within an exercise Judgment calls about learning time, age and context are tough
21 Sample Metadata: Remote Sensing
22 Sample Metadata: Remote Sensing Uses controlled terminology of the National Science Education Standards (classification field) Shows level of review (DLESE defined classification field) References evaluation report (relation field) Includes instructor comments as annotations in the metadata record (annotation field)
23 Metadata Group Achievements Developed XML templates for cataloging Extended IMS standard to handle geo-spatial and temporal information better Created a Collection Resource URL Tracker Developed a method for the community to suggest resources (URLs) to the library
24 Library Structure & Search Buckets High-level metadata attributes designed for querying Based on ADL, use cases, user searches Buckets: Location, format, education, type, text, Current bucket schema is loosely defined.
25 NSDL Goals and Thoughts Communicate with other libraries Demonstrate communication using IMS and/or SDLIP (more info. in Gary’s ) NSDL collection: Both DLESE and ADEPT are collections
26 Questions What metadata information and cataloging techniques can we share? How can DLESE integrate the use of the ADL Gazetteer?
27 Web Links for Presentation Main DLESE Metadata Site: This presentation: click Weekly Meetings and choose Aug 17 th Collections Efforts: click Collections Information and choose Collections Efforts IMS Standard: click IMS Defined Sample Records: click IMS Metadata Records