Search for Charged Higgs Production Associated with W boson with the ILD at the ILC Akimasa Ishikawa for Yuko Shinzaki (Tohoku University) Jan Strube, Hitoshi Yamamoto, Keisuke Fujii A, Shinya Kanemura B, Kei Yagyu C Tohoku, KEK A, Toyama B, Southampton C
Introduction Charged Higgs bosons can exist in the extended Higgs models. 2HDM Higgs Triplet models Explains neutrino mass Georgi-Machacek model Real Y=0 and complex Y=1 triplet Higgs fields Additional 3 and 6 physical higgs bosons = 1 at tree level Which can have HWV coupling One loop in 2HDM Tree level in triplet models Effective Lagrangian can be expressed in terms of form factor f HWV which can be constrained from the e + e - W + H - search and can be used for model discrimination
Condition for the Simulation Full Simulation Process : e + e - WH f HWZ = 1 and f HW =0 Only couples to Z Decay : H or H W ( * ) Z ( * ) l Ecm = 250GeV M H+ = 150GeV Pair production very suppressed Almost maximal cross sections L int = 250fb -1 P(e-,e+) = (+0.8, - 0.3) Right handed to suppress WW backgrounds
Dominant Backgrounds Irreducible WW jjl e W enjj Reducible ZZ jjll Large Cross section Di-jet
Cross Section ProcessCross section (fb)Events (k) Sig ① WH (H τν)21454 Sig ② WH (H WZ)21454 SM BG Di-jet eνW eνjj WW jjlν ZZ jjll WW jjjj Zee jjee30074 ZZ jjjj ZZWWmix jjjj Zh ffh20551 Dominant background
Reconstruction Forced three jet analysis with Durham (somewhat inclusive) Final states for both channels are di-jet and lepton with missing energy W boson mass with 2 Recoil mass
W mass and Recoil Mass cut < Mrec < 190 (GeV) cut Signal < Mw < 90 (GeV)
Transverse Momentum Suppress neutrinoless processes 15 < total Pt (GeV) cut Signal
Visible Energy Suppress neutrinoless processes Evis < 170 (GeV) cut
Production angle of W boson Suppress dijet cut 0.95 < | cosθ Wangle |
BDT inputs Input variables Y23, thrust, nPFO, No of charged, Missing mass, max(E PFO )/E 3jet Y23nPFO(3 rd jet) No of charged Missing mass thrust
BDT output Keeping 70% signal while reducing 80% backgrounds <BDTG
Cut-flow Table for H + WH(τν)Di-jeteνW eνjjWW jjlνZZ jjllothers no cut m w &m rec pt Evis Wangle BDTG
Recoil mass distribution for H + Efficiency 26.6% Significance S=105 WH(τν)Di-jeteνW eνjjWW jjlνZZ jjllothers no cut after cut
H + WZ
Process Final states used is H WZ l The BF is about 6% Not major decay process but easy to extend from H Z qq (~70%) Z ll (~10%) Z (~20%) W qq (~70%) 49%7%14% W l (~30%) 21%3%6%
W mass and Recoil Mass 11 0 cut 70 < Mw < 90 (GeV) 110 < Mrec < 190 (GeV) 11 0
Other Selections for H WZ Selections are same as H analysis except Evis was loosened from 170 GeV to 200 GeV No BDT since we quickly tried it but sensitivity not improved. Need more study cut 15 < total Pt (GeV) cut Evis < 200 (GeV) 0.95 < | cosθ Wangle |
Cut-flow Table for H + WZ WH(WZ)Di-jeteνW eνjjWW jjlνZZ jjllothers no cut m w &m rec pt Evis Wangle
Recoil Mass Efficiency ε = 8.89% Significance S = (F HWZ =1, F HWγ =0, BR(H WZ)=100 % ) WH(WZ)Di-jeteνW eνjjWW jjlνZZ jjllothers no cut after cut
Upper Limits on and F HWZ From the obtained efficiency and number of backgrounds, upper limits are calculated. H H WZ
Interpretation to 2HDM type-X with H 2HDM type-X Lepton specific H + can be dominant Type-II is strongly constraint by LHC Shaded region (tan < 1) is constraint from B-B-bar mixing We cannot set better limit on 2HDM type-X Since loop suppressed (figures by Kanemura)
Georgi-Machacek model GM Additional complex Y=1 and real Y=0 triplet fields H 1 0, (H 3 ±, H 3 0 ),(H 5 ±±, H 5 ±, H 5 0 ) =1 at tree level Due to custodial symmetry Large (a few 10GeV) triplet VEV, v , possible H 5 mainly decays to gauge bosons if triplet VEV is not small (v >~ MeV) and H 5 lighter than H 3. H 3 mainly to fermion pairs. Tree level ZWH 5 ± coupling Current LHC result can make a constraint from F and V, and also from direct searches for H 5 0 WW,ZZ H 5 ± WZ and H 5 ±± WW (see Chiang’s talk slides at this workshop) Chiang, Yagyu, JHEP 01, 026 (2013)
Interpretation to GM model with H WZ Kanemura, Yagyu, Yanase, PRD (2011)
Summary We studied charged Higgs production associated with W boson. Two charged Higgs decays are considered H H WZ l Interpretations to 2HDM type-X and GM model. No constraint on 2HDM type-X with H Give constraint on GM model with H WZ Possible Improvements Exclusive analysis Inclusion of other decay processes H WZ l ll Ecm=500GeV with heavier H +
Cross Section ProcessCross section (fb)Events (k) Sig ① WH (H τν)21454 Sig ② WH (H WZ)21454 SM BG Di-jet eνW eνjj Zee jjee30074 WW jjlν WW jjjj ZZ jjll ZZ jjjj ZZWWmix jjjj Zh ffh20551