A Day in the Life of a Kindergartener
Sample Schedule 7:30-8:05Breakfast, Morning Activity 7:30-8:05Breakfast, Morning Activity 8:05-8:15Morning Announcements 8:05-8:15Morning Announcements 8:15-8:30 Calendar 8:15-8:30 Calendar 8:30-8:50Shared Reading 8:30-8:50Shared Reading 8:50-9:40Interactive Writing/ Writer’s Workshop 8:50-9:40Interactive Writing/ Writer’s Workshop 9:40-10:50Guided Reading/ Literacy Centers 9:40-10:50Guided Reading/ Literacy Centers 10:50-11:35Art/Music/PE/Technology 10:50-11:35Art/Music/PE/Technology 11:40-12:10Lunch 11:40-12:10Lunch 12:10-1:00Math 12:10-1:00Math 1:00-1:30 Recess 1:00-1:30 Recess 1:30-1:50Phonics 1:30-1:50Phonics 1:50-2:00 Interactive Read Aloud 1:50-2:00 Interactive Read Aloud 2:00-2:45Interventions 2:00-2:45Interventions 2:45Car Rider Dismissal 2:45Car Rider Dismissal 2:501 st Bus Load Dismissal 2:501 st Bus Load Dismissal 3:002 nd Bus Load Dismissal 3:002 nd Bus Load Dismissal
Calendar Time Using a Calendar Using a Calendar Days of the Week Days of the Week Months of the Year Months of the Year Seasons/ Weather Seasons/ Weather Counting Counting Numbers Numbers Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Songs Songs
Mathematics Number Talks- understanding numbers and quantities, recognizing numerals Number Talks- understanding numbers and quantities, recognizing numerals Counting Strategies- counting objects, rote counting to 110 by ones and tens, using a base of ten to count Counting Strategies- counting objects, rote counting to 110 by ones and tens, using a base of ten to count Sorting- shape, color, size Sorting- shape, color, size Data Collection- collecting information, posing questions, organizing data, graphing Data Collection- collecting information, posing questions, organizing data, graphing Addition and Subtraction Addition and Subtraction
English/Language Arts Phonics- Letters recognition, Sound production, Strategies to decode words Phonics- Letters recognition, Sound production, Strategies to decode words Writer’s Workshop- Writer’s Workshop- –Develop a topic –Drawing pictures with details –Writing sentences to support illustrations –Writing complete stories –Teaches mechanics of writing (Capital letters & punctuation.) Sight Words- Recognize commonly occurring words automatically Sight Words- Recognize commonly occurring words automatically Guided Reading- Explicit instruction to teach children how to become independent readers Guided Reading- Explicit instruction to teach children how to become independent readers Literacy Centers- discovery learning with peers that reinforce literacy concepts Literacy Centers- discovery learning with peers that reinforce literacy concepts Shared Reading- Reading large text as a whole group to learn about features of print Shared Reading- Reading large text as a whole group to learn about features of print Read Aloud- “Story time” to promote reading for enjoyment Read Aloud- “Story time” to promote reading for enjoyment
Science/ Social Studies Integrated with Language Arts Integrated with Language Arts Strengthens Reading for Information (Non-Fiction Text) Strengthens Reading for Information (Non-Fiction Text) Provides awareness of the environment around us Provides awareness of the environment around us –Learning about Plants/Animals (Science) –Learning about Location (Social Studies)
GKIDS & Report Card Ongoing assessment of state standards Ongoing assessment of state standards Assesses learning outcomes in Assesses learning outcomes in –Language Arts –Math –Personal/ Social Development –Social Studies –Science Scores range from Not Demonstrated to Meets or Exceeds Scores range from Not Demonstrated to Meets or Exceeds Scores may increase or decrease throughout year Scores may increase or decrease throughout year * Not all standards are tested each 9 weeks.
Approaches to Learning- Approaches to Learning- Evaluates student’s attitude toward learning and using new skills. Personal Development- Personal Development- Assesses student’s confidence, ability to express emotions and needs appropriately, and development of self-help skills or level of independence. Social Development- Social Development- Considers student’s ability to interact appropriately with adults and other children in a school setting.
Educational Support Art, Music, PE, Library, Technology, & Counseling Art, Music, PE, Library, Technology, & Counseling Supports academics Supports academics
Mrs. Cathy Jowers- Art
Mrs. Pam Hurt- Music
Mr. Kolby Byrd- PE
Mrs. Brenda Perteet & Mrs. Guin Provance- Media/ Technology
Mrs. Carolyn Dillard- Counselor
Nurse Therese
Immunizations All students must have up-to-date immunizations documented and on file with the office within the first 30 days of school. All students must have up-to-date immunizations documented and on file with the office within the first 30 days of school. Eye, ear, and dental forms must be on file. Eye, ear, and dental forms must be on file. Unfortunately, students are sent home on the 30 th day if they do not have required immunizations. Unfortunately, students are sent home on the 30 th day if they do not have required immunizations. Stop by the nurses office to pick up forms if needed. Stop by the nurses office to pick up forms if needed. If you were in Pre-K in our system last year, you will not need the eye, ear, and dental forms. If you were in Pre-K in our system last year, you will not need the eye, ear, and dental forms.
Please visit your child’s classroom for more information.