B RITISH H OLIDAYS Выполнили ученицы МБОУ СОШ №4 7б Чернозубова Анастасия и Жернакова Елизавета.


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Presentation transcript:

B RITISH H OLIDAYS Выполнили ученицы МБОУ СОШ №4 7б Чернозубова Анастасия и Жернакова Елизавета

S T. V ALENTINE ' S D AY, F EBRUARY 14 Valentine's Day - patron saint of lovers. On this day, lovers give each other special cards ("Valentine").

S T. P ATRICK ' S D AY, M ARCH 17 Day of the patron saint of Ireland. Unlike the people of other countries of the United Kingdom, the Irish are actively celebrate St. Patrick's Day. It is celebrated not only in Ireland but wherever there is a significant concentration of anything like this jolly narodtsem. For example, in New York on this day parades.

M OTHER ' S D AY, M ARCH 26 In Victorian times, children were sent to work away from home at an early age, and the money earned by them are sent to the family budget. One day, the children were allowed to stay at home with their parents. They brought their mothers (and grandmothers), small gifts, such as flowers or bouquets of fresh eggs. Now, on this day children give their mothers and grandmothers bouquets of flowers and perform for them all the housework.

A PRIL F OOL ' S D AY, A PRIL 1 This holiday has appeared in the Middle Ages, though then he had some other kind: the day the servants become the masters and the masters servants. For centuries the tradition has changed, and now April 1 - the day of jokes and pranks.

E ASTER This day for many is more important religious holiday than Christmas. Many UK residents are present at the Easter service. Easter service on Saturday night for more than two hours, beginning at 9:30 pm and ending at midnight. After service, congratulate each other on the end of Lent and the beginning of the new year (by the way, to show the beginning of a new year and a new life, many of which is decorated with tree branches with swollen buds, daffodils and decorated eggs. After service, come home and eat buns (this is our way, and they have - Easter Simnel cake), which is a cake similar to Christmas, but decorated with marzipan, representing the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ.

M AY D AY This is not a "celebration of peace and labor." In the Middle Ages in the day the girls got up before dawn and washed with dew, believing that it will make them irresistible to the year ahead. Also on this day the competitions in archery, people sang and danced. This custom still survives in some deaf British villages, but urban people completely ignore it.

H ALLOWE ' EN (H ALLOWS E VENING ), O CTOBER 31 The evening before All Saints' Day, when the spirits and ghosts are released and roam the streets in search of people. In the old people in this day did not go outside and locked all the windows and doors to keep evil spirits to enter the house. Today is celebrated fun and noisy. Children dress up in costumes and monsters walk the neighbor's home, demanding sweets. Also on this day masquerades suit and put the window hollow gourd with carved eyes and mouth and a candle inside to scare away the spirits.

G UY F AWKES ' D AY, N OVEMBER 5 This is one of the most unique festivals in England, arising from not festive sobytiya.5 November 1605 Catholics tried to blow up a bunch of the Houses of Parliament with the government, King James I, the queen, and their son.

C HRISTMAS The custom of hanging socks for gifts came from England. Santa Claus once dropped some gold coins when coming down the chimney. The coins would have failed in the oven and would be lost if they had not been put in a sock that was hung out to dry. Since then, the children hang socks on the fireplace in the hopes of finding their full of gifts. Christmas tree began to decorate for Christmas about a thousand years ago in Germany, when St Boniface, who converted the Germans to Christianity, according to legend, came across a group of pagans who were about to be sacrificed to oak boy. Enraged St. Boniface cut down a large oak tree and, to his surprise, the stump of oak grown spruce. Saint took it as a sign of the Christian faith. Gifts are opened on Christmas morning. Children wake up very early in the morning and found a sock full of presents, at the foot of the bed and gifts on the floor. Later, the family comes together to open all the gifts that had been left under the tree.