Barcelona City Council Vision Technology as an enabler for: Economic progress Urban mobility more efficient and sustainable Environmental sustainability Business-friendly and attracting capital Integration and social cohesion Communication and proximity with people Knowledge, creativity and innovation Transparency and democratic culture Universal access to culture, education and health care Improve citizens’ welfare and quality of life The city of people 0 Barcelona in the pocket October 2013
Barcelona City Council October Reference framework The framework is determined by the Smart Barcelona surrounding municipal and European citizens: Strategy EU 2020 Innovation union Schedule for new skills and tasks Youth on the move European platform against poverty An industrial policy for the globalization era A Europe that use its resources efficiently A digital agenda for Europe Strategic framework Government Plan Management plans Operational plans 40 strategic goals of management Functional plans City map
Barcelona City Council October 2013 o-Government & e-Government The Smart Government deployment has to use the mobility tools environment (smartphones, tablets,..) to facilitate the citizens interaction with the administrative process and city services. The Smart Government is in the Smart City strategy. Transparency Participation Opendata 2 Open Government
Barcelona City Council o-Government Opendata October Vision: “Enable data from the city and the City Council so that citizens and private companies can use it under an open basis” “Public open data consists in offering everyone the available data of the Public Sector in a digital format, standardized and open, under an adequate and comprehensive basis. At the same time, it enables the access of said information, promoting its re-use.” Population: 153 datasets Examples: socio-demographic data from the registry of inhabitants. Territory: 208 datasets. Examples: Maps, city streetmap. Economy: 49 datasets. Examples: Statistics, buyer profile. Administration: 167 datasets Examples: bills, urban laws. Urban environment: 25 datasets. Examples: traffic, equipments. First Barcelona open data site with 510 datasets
Barcelona City Council Barcelona in my pocket K-Projects October Posicionar Barcelona com a referent de la tecnologia mòbil idBCN mGovProcedures
Barcelona City Council October Market Apps4bcn Downloads Hacktons Events Apps4BCN
Barcelona City Council October Register of Mobile Digital Identities First mobile services Mobile Digital Identity Roadmap for public and private sector IDBCN
Barcelona City Council IDBCN October First Web-based mobile identification
Barcelona City Council October BCN Contactless Today Tomorrow Vision
Barcelona City Council NFC Experience during MWC 2013 October El Prat Airport Welcome to BCN Powered by Mobile World Congress World 1 st Full NFC Event Emblematic Touristic Places Barcelona Contactless Tour
Barcelona City Council Barcelona Contactless Tour October simple tap away on the NFC tag, visitors can access instantly the right information at the right Time ! Powered by
Barcelona City Council Barcelona Contactless Ambition Facilitate the city’s information access in a the situation of mobility : All the city 1 tap away ! Include «Contactless» in citizen’s everyday life ! Create a new local communication channel directly with citizens and visitors throughout the city October Art Barcelona Circuit Bike-sharing station BICING World Swimming Championship BCN2013 Powered by
Barcelona City Council Open data vs apis for transaccions- f.e. parking in the city Online vs offline, not everything can be open Security – professional audit Integrity of Chanel integration, consolidate information Interoperability between other organizations October Front- Back office. Lessons Learned
Barcelona City Council ICT roadmap of Barcelona City Council: Another way to explain!! 13 M obility, Barcelona is the world capital (MWC) between 2013 and 2018 and wants to take advantage of it and use it as a lever to change the city and as an opportunity to the enterprises. E - Administration, management collaboration: cloud, social networking, mobility.... S martCity, Barcelona wants to lead a new idea of smart city, a way to run the cities. S ystems of information, modern and efficient that may give answer to the strategic objectives of the city. I nnovation to transform the Administration, to improve the productive processes and to improve the citizen's quality of life. The team of Barcelona City Council considers that the ICT had become a vital tool for the future of the city and its citizens and have established an strategy that can be resumed with the acronym +SI and that has been approved at the government bylaw: the ICT strategy of the Barcelona City Council to the service of the city and the citizens. We also want to position the city of Barcelona as the best in the world in the ICT arena October 2013
Sergio Jerez Mobile, eGovernment & Data Barcelona City Council