Humans Versus Zombies Fairview High School
Rule #1 Don’t be this guy
Don’t be a “Tricky Dick” Nixon Have fun playing; don’t impeach on other peoples’ fun. If you catch yourself being a Nixon, apologize, and straighten up. If you genuinely understand that you’re in the wrong, we’ll be more willing to let you go unpunished. Don’t “rules lawyer,” don’t tag too aggressively, and just be a kind human (or zombie) being Repeat violations tick people off. They’re the quickest way to get yourself kicked out of the club.
Humans Humans stun Zombies by hitting them with socks, darts, discs, or melee weapons. All humans must where a bandana around their arm. If an unstunned zombie tags a human, they become a zombie.
Zombies Zombies make more zombies by tagging humans. If a zombie is hit by a human’s dart, disc, sock, or melee, they are stunned. Unstunned zombies around their heads. Zombies may not use any inanimate object to block darts.
Stunning When a zombie is hit by a human’s weapon, they are stunned, and can no longer attack humans. To show that they are stunned, a zombie must remove their bandana from their head and put it around their neck. You may put your hands over your head to signify stunning as well. Zombies stay stunned until their “stun time” ends. This time is 1 minute unless otherwise clarified. Stunned zombies must tell humans their stun time if the human inquires. Stunned zombies are allowed to move, chat with zombies, or grab darts. They MAY NOT try to mess with humans or zombies, try to block projectiles, or spy on humans for sake of attracting zombie attention.
Spawning When a zombie’s stun time ends, they do not immediately have to spawn. They may, whenever they so wish, stand still, and count down from 10 aloud. If they are attacked by a human whilst counting, their stun time is reset. A spawning zombie should speak in a conversational tone. You may spawn in any playing zone. Note: If you spawn in the middle of a pack of humans, and they don’t notice you counting down, it is a perfectly valid spawn. Loud humans are easy targets.
Zones No gameplay can occur outside of playing zones. Playing zones include the 200, 400, 600, and 800 hallways, the ramps, the senior balcony, and on some occasions the student center. The student center is available when there are no cheerleaders, but don’t mess with non-players sitting at tables. When there are cheerleaders, be quiet on the ramps, and don’t enter the student center at all. Bathrooms, classrooms, offices, the library, the cafeteria, the bricks, and the 300, 500, and 700 hallways are all off limits. Some hallways will be closed. Be sure to ask, and spread the word if a teacher tells you to stay away.
Moderators Moderators wear a bandana around their leg in addition to their Human/Zombie bandana. They are in charge of running the game smoothly. They will change the rules to accommodate the pace of the game. If someone is breaking the rules, tell a Mod. We are in charge of punishing Nixons. If someone is injured, tell a Mod. We have first aid kits. If you’re having a bad day and you want a hug, tell a mod. We’re people too.
Stuff you shouldn’t do. Don’t steal or break someone else’s things. Don’t wait outside of a bathroom to zombify anyone. Don’t give any blasters or other HvZ equipment to non players. You shouldn’t be interacting with non players in any way other than casual conversation. Non players also shouldn’t be messing with you. If someone who isn’t a part of HvZ is being a Nixon to you, tell a moderator so they can get a school official to deal with it. Don’t be a rules lawyer. Just because you are technically abiding by a rule, it doesn’t mean you aren’t making the game less fun for others. Don’t swear. This is a school club. Don’t say bullet, gun or shoot. These are basically swear words here. NO PARKOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?! This is for your own safety. Athletics are encouraged, but you may not get on top of lockers, leap down stairs, or slide down railings. PEOPLE HAVE BEEN INJURED! DON’T BE DUMB!
Punishments If you say bullet, gun, or shoot, you must do 10 push ups IMMEDIATELY. You may not “wait until these zombies are dead.” You must put down your weapons and do ten pushups. Moderators may zombify you just because they need more zombies for the game. We’re sorry if we do. If you’re being a dingus, we are more likely to punish you with zombification. If you are being very disruptive, swearing profusely, or just being aggressive, we may ask you to sit out of the game. If you continue to be angry or mean over many games, we might ask you to take a month off. In the worst case, we aren’t afraid to ban you for the entire year.
Extra Rules! These may be added before a game to make it more interesting Anarchy: When anarchy is on, humans may stun other humans. A stunned human must hold still and not use their blaster for 30 seconds. Special Infected: Some zombies have fancy attributes The weeping angel (Yes. That kind of weeping angel) -It cannot be stunned, but it can only move when the closest human is looking away from it. The Babushka: As long as it is unstunned, it can spawn in stunned zombies instantly by touching them The hall monitor: It cannot be stunned, but it is confined to a single hallway (2, 4, 6, or 8 hundred) and cannot leave it. The walking invinsible: It cannot be stunned, but must have one foot touching the ground at all times.