Team-working, Training and Education Rob Morris Pathway Lead Clinician for Older People
Agenda Mountain Goats and Garden Goats The Problem(s) Team working and CGA Blended Learning Generic Skills for the Care of Older People
Mountain Goats Garden Goats
An Ageing population Source: ONS
In elderly patients needing urgent surgery careful attention should be given to improving fluid status, reducing unnecessary drug treatment and anticipating nutritional support. Elderly patients undergoing surgery need access to routine daily clinical review from specialists in elderly care. Delays in surgery, which lead to poor outcome, should be subject to rigorous audit and rectified. Pain and its management should have a high priority to avoid patient suffering. The Problem NCEPOD - Key recommendations November 2010
CGA is a Health Technology: “a multi-dimensional, interdisciplinary, diagnostic process to determine the medical, psychological and functional capabilities of a frail older person in order to develop a co-ordinated and integrated plan for treatment and long term follow up” Medical EnvironmentMental Health Social Circumstances Functional Capacity Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment – CGA A Team Sport
Generic skills training programme for surgical staff caring for older people Ward-based Team Learning Medics Nurses Occupational Therapists Physiotherapists Two Wards Cardiac Surgery Orthopaedic Surgery Blended Learning
Blended Generic Skills Course for Caring for Older Adult Inpatients Workbook 2 Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Course Materials
Pre-Course TestPost-Course Test Average Mark % Objective Testing
CGA Audit
Thoughts to take away Seek out your own mountain goats Be prepared to innovate Nurture and invest in your team
Acknowledgements eLearning Project Group Holly Blake Adrian Blundell Simon Conroy John Gladman Adam Gordon Jeanette Lilley Jean Patterson Health Education East Midlands University of Nottingham
CAL PackageFormatLengthHyperlink CAL Packages 1 International Classification of Function Disability and Health On-Line30 spx?hid=9e3d2231-d5fb f311d4e980# Population AgeingOn-Line40http:// CAL Packages 2 DeliriumOn-Line40http:// PrescribingOn-Line40http:// CAL Packages 3 FallsOn-Line45http:// Continence IOn-Line20http:// Continence IIOn-Line30http:// Continence IIIOn-Line35http:// CAL Packages 4 Dementia IOn-Line45http:// Dementia IIOn-Line60http:// Dementia IIIOn-Line40http:// Dementia IVOn-Line30http:// Supplementary CAL Packages Physical Activity IOn-Line20http:// Physical Activity IIOn-Line20http://