PART 1 WHAT IS LIGHT 1.Define the following terms: electromagnetic wave, radiation 2.Describe light as an electromagnetic wave. 3.Calculate distances traveled by light by using the speed of light. 4.Explain why light from the sun is important. 5.Answer the questions on page 4, #’s 1-9
PART 2 ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM 1.Define the following terms: electromagnetic spectrum 2.Identify how electromagnetic waves differ from each other. 3.Describe some uses for radio waves and microwaves. 4.List examples of how infrared waves and visible light are important in your life. 5.Explain how ultraviolet light, X rays, and gamma rays can be both helpful and harmful. 6.Answer the questions on page 12, #’s 1-12.
PART 3 INTERACTIONS OF LIGHT WAVES 1.Define the following terms: reflection, refraction, absorption, diffraction, scattering, interference 2.Describe how reflection allows you to see things. 3.Describe absorption and scattering. 4.Explain how refraction can create optical illusions and separate white light into colors. 5.Explain the relationship between diffraction and wavelength. 6.Compare constructive and destructive interference of light. 7.Answer the questions on page 21, #’s 1-12.
PART 4 LIGHT AND COLOR 1.Define the following terms: transmission, opaque, transparent, pigment, translucent 2.Name and describe the three ways light interacts with matter. 3.Explain how the color of an object is determined. 4.Explain why mixing colors of light is called color addition. 5.Describe why mixing colors of pigments is called color subtraction. 6.Answer the questions on page 27, #’s Complete the chapter review pages 28-29, #’s 1-21.
Light Notes Light travels in _______________ waves which travel up and down with crests and troughs. It does _____ need a medium to travel through. ! If it does go through a medium, it travels at different _____________. Light can travel through empty ___________ at 300,000km/s or 186,000 miles/sec! Light travels faster than ____________. Light travels in a ______________ line until it hits something…then it either __________, _________, or gets absorbed! transverse space speeds NOT bends bounces straight sound
Properties of light Luminous= give off their _____ light ex) candle Illuminated= light reflects off of it ex) ________ Transparent= See through/_______ ex) window Translucent= Partially ___ through/blurry ex) wax paper Opaque= ___ able to see through/obstructed ex) desk own moon clear see Not
Refraction= __________ of light ex) rainbow Absorption= gets absorbed in the material ex) ______ Reflection= Light ____________ off ex) mirror ______= Black & White _________ = Color Iris = Colored Part of eye Pupil = ___ Part of eye White Light = Colors of the ___________ Ex) prism Black = Absence of color Rainbow Colors = _____ rainbow Black Rods Cones bounces color bending ROYGBIV
Convex or Concave? TypeMirrorLens ConvexCurved _________ Like the Back of a Spoon! Curves Outward _______ in the Middle & used for _____sightedness ConcaveCurved ________ Like the Inside of a Spoon! Curves Inward _____in the Middle & used for _____sightedness outward Far Thick Thin inward Near
Shout Backs When I say…You say… LongitudinalSound CompressionTogether RarefactionApart TransverseLight CrestTop TroughBottom WavelengthDistance FrequencyNumber AmplitudeHeight ReflectionBounce RefractionBend AbsorbTake In
Sound vs. Light Direction Compression Rarefaction Trough Crest
WORD WALL! Go to the center of your notebook Create a page titled “WORD WALL” Create 4 Columns…#, Word, Definition, & Picture or Symbol…like this… #WordDefinitionPicture/Symbol 1Wave 2Energy 3Sound 4Light 5Longitudinal 6Transverse 7Compression 8Rarefaction 9Crest 10Trough