Target Language use in the Second Language Classroom
Some questions What are the benefits and challenges? What are some strategies for using the TL in my classroom? When is it appropriate to use the L1?
Benefits When the teacher uses the target language Students receive more input and hear more complex structures. In doing so, as they are learning the language they learn about how the language works The teacher becomes a role model in terms of both production and attitude towards the language It increases the amount of exposure It results in higher proficiency levels in students
Benefits When students use the TL they Get more opportunities to practice Increase their listening and concentration skills Can identify gaps in their knowledge and hypothesise about the TL Receive more feedback Their motivation and sense of achievement is increased
But… How? Where do I start ? My students won’t understand! My students don’t listen. They wait for a translation It can lead to disruptive behaviour It takes too much time
But… My students won’t understand!
But… My students don’t listen. They wait for a translation
But… It can lead to disruptive behaviour
But… It takes too much time
But… How? Where do I start?
The role of the L1 There may be instances when it is necessary and beneficial to use the L1 To introduce important concepts To develop intercultural competence To raise awareness of similarities and differences between the L1 and the L2 To deal with classroom management issues in some circumstances To lower students anxiety
Remember When learners are surrounded with their new language and when teachers use the language for all classroom purposes, language use has a purpose and there is motivation to learn. (Curtain Teaching in the Target Language) The opportunity to interact in the target language is central to developing second language proficiency (Ellis, 2005)
If you want to find out more sh/targetlanguage.html Notes for trainee teachers at the University of Alberta, Canada. sh/targetlanguage.html TeachingintheTargetLanguageFINAL.pdf TeachingintheTargetLanguageFINAL.pdf Excellent article full of advice and suggestions
Strategies Build up classroom language from the very start Plan what language to use, consider cognates etc. Use simple, direct language Use facial expressions, visuals and concrete materials Break down instructions into small steps and model them My students won’t undrstand!
My students don’t listen and wait for a translation Strategies Avoid translation by rephrasing and illustrating Check students understanding Encourage individual or collective guessing of unfamiliar words or expressions Offer key words in L1 and give them clues to help them guess Ask students to consult their dictionaries
At the start of the year explain why using the TL is important and establish class rules for its use Praise students efforts in using the TL Try a reward system by which students can get points if they use the TL It can lead to disruptive behaviour Strategies
Teach the language of the classroom as early as possible and make its use part of the classroom culture When possible display classroom language on the walls so students can have quick access to it Display classroom language on the IWB using visuals and text as you give instructions Ask students to take down and illustrate ‘classroom language’ in their copies Encourage them to use it at any relevant opportunity Make some games or challenges out of it (sentence of the week,...) It takes too much time Strategies
Set yourself some goals: (today I am going to teach 50% in the Target Language) Keep track of how much TL you use and your students use Increase it gradually Repeat, reuse and recycle When students do not have the language rephrase in the TL, providing more appropriate input. How? Where do I start? Strategies
How? Where do I start? Start by always using the Target Language when: Welcoming, greetings and leave taking Start routine: e.g. roll, date and weather Lesson objectives Instructions and commands Praise and feedback Asking and answering questions Strategies