Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers Geary Smith & Stephaine Russell


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Presentation transcript:

Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers Geary Smith & Stephaine Russell

Presentation Objective To provide teachers with a variety of Web 2.0 resources that enhance your instruction and your students’ learning experience.

Some Background The Internet Began in the 1960’s Initially used by computer experts, engineers, scientists, and librarians No graphics Not user friendly Web 1.0 (the original World Wide Web) Began in the early 1990’s Allowed text & graphics to be displayed together Was basically for the display of information Little user interactivity Required knowledge of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) Dial up with narrow bandwidth

Web 2.0 Characteristics Very user friendly Requires no special programming or technology skills Broadband & Wireless availability Web 2.- Sites allow/encourage Interactive information sharing User creativity Participation in a learning community Collaboration among participants Social networking

Categories of Web 2.0 Tools Organizational Productivity Tools- help you work more efficiently Online Publishing- ex. creating a website Communication- Virtual communities- chat rooms, web forums, social networks Media Sharing- sharing photo & video files Blogs- sharing your ideas & opinions with others Podcasts- sharing audio files Wikis- tools that allow creation of easily edited web pages Teaching and learning tools- there are LOTS of these on the web

Choosing Web 2.0 Tools Is it free? Is it easy to learn and use Is it useful for you and/or your students

Great Web 2.0 Resources These sites have listed many Web 2.0 resources for educators. (gives a brief description of each resource) (click on Internet Resources) (Great web 2.0 resources for kids) (Geary’s Delicious Page) (Education Podcast Network) Live Oak Library

Aggregators/Virtual Desktops Organizational tools that use RSS (really simple syndication) feeds to bring in updates of your favorite links/resources onto one page. Googlereader ( iGoogle ( Netvibes ( Pageflakes (

Some Favorites iGoogle Goog 411 (free 411 service) Goog 411 Delicious Social Bookmarking Certificate Street Pics4Learning Wordle (Create & print “Word Clouds”) Wordle NeoK12 (Free educational videos) NeoK12 YouTube Downloader YouTube Safe Link Educational Podcasts Learn About Podcasting VozMe (Converts text to mp3 file) VozMe Vocaroo (Record & send voice ) Vocaroo Xtranormal (Turn text into a movie.) Xtranormal Zoodles (Safe web browsing for kids) Zoodles Jog the Web (Create a list of websites) Jog the Web Blabberize (Make pictures talk) Blabberize Kerpoof (Multimedia tools for students) Kerpoof Random Name Picker Spelling City Imagination Cubed (Record & share a drawing) Imagination Cubed Pete’s PowerPoint Station (Free PowerPoints for Education) Pete’s PowerPoint Station Tutpup (Educational Games) Tutpup CarrotSticks (Multiplayer Math Skills for grades 1 - 5) CarrotSticks Virtual Manipulatives (Amazing “hands on” activities for math concepts) Virtual Manipulatives Slideshare (Upload & share PowerPoints, pdf’s, etc.) Slideshare Storybird (Collaborative Storytelling) Storybird Toondoo (Create a cartoon strip) Toondoo My Brochure Maker Newseum (Read the front page news from almost anywhere) Newseum ChessKid.com (Free online chess for kids) ChessKid.com Online Stopwatch Online Alarm Clock