EUROCARE European Alcohol Policy Alliance Health Challenges in Europe P2P study tour 15 January 2009 Mariann Skar Secretary General Eurocare Secretariat,


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Presentation transcript:

EUROCARE European Alcohol Policy Alliance Health Challenges in Europe P2P study tour 15 January 2009 Mariann Skar Secretary General Eurocare Secretariat, Brussels

Presentation Eurocare Background for EU action EU Alcohol Strategy EU Forum Alcohol and Health Labelling Alcohol and Pregnancy Drink driving Way Forward European Alcohol Policy

EUROCARE Eurocare was formed in1990 with 9 member org Today: 48 member org 21 countries Secretariat in Brussels

Eurocare activities Raise awareness and engage in dialogue with policy makers Promote the development and implementation of evidence-based policies Monitor policy developments Collection, collate, analysis, dissemination and utilisation of data Exchange of information, experience and good practice

Eurocare Web site New Eurocare Website

Burden of ill health EU 2004 Attributable to selected leading risk factors

The Burden of Alcohol at EU level Intentional injuries – 2000 homicides (4 in 10) and suicides (1 in 6) Unintentional injuries – deaths drink driving (1 in 3), accidental deaths Family – 5 – 9 million children Crime – €33bn Workplace - € 5 -19bn Healthcare - € 17bn

Many babies in Europe are prenatally exposed to alcohol Harm to the unborn child; Estimate 1 to 3 per 1000 full FAS 10 to 12 per 1000 FASD Netherlands: 35-50% of pregnant women drink Spain: 45% of babies in Barcelona heavily exposed Ireland: 63% of women drink during pregnancy

Harm done by alcohol to children 5 – 9 million children (9%) live in families adversely affected by alcohol. 16% of cases in child abuse involves alcohol 23% of all deaths in children aged 0-15 from motor vehicles are due to alcohol 19% of all child homicides are due to alcohol

Harm to young people young men and 2000 women die in the EU each year due to alcohol year old report fights students report contact with police year old suffers due to parents drinking 5% of year old report regretted sex

Inequality of health Life expectancy at birth, years Best:M 77,9SwedenF 83,6 Spain Worst:M 65,7Latvia F 75,9 Latvia Number of death children ≤ 1 pr Best2,7 Liechtenstein Worst9,4 Latvia 21,5Romania Road accidents pr BestM 6,2Malta WorstM 41Lithuania

EU Alcohol Strategy The Communication recognises different cultural habits related to alcohol consumption in the various MS There is no intention to substitute Community action to national policies, NO proposal to the development of harmonised legislation

The Strategy Aims at: Mapping actions already in place Identifying good practices / areas further progress Explains how Commission can further support and complement MSts

5 Priority Themes Protect young people, children and the unborn child; Reduce injuries and death from alcohol- related road accidents; Prevent alcohol-related harm among adults and reduce the negative impact on the workplace; Inform, educate and raise awareness Common evidence base at EU level.

EU Alcohol and Health Forum overall objective: provide common platform for all interested stakeholders at EU level willing to step up actions (“commitments”) aimed at reducing alcohol harm main areas to be addressed: under age drinking information on effect of harmful drinking responsible drinking/promote behavioural changes consumer information commercial communication

A Forum for Action: Composition NGO’s: 21 Eurocare, EPHA, ECL, EMA, EMNA, ETSC, CPME, FEANTSA, EYF, ReLEAF, NordAn, APYN Economic operators: 30 Alcohol Producers: Brewers of Europe, Spirits Organization Retailers: EuroCommerce Advertisers and Publishers: WFA, EGTA, FAEP Organizations: COPA- COGECA, CEEV, EPC, ESA Social Aspects Organizations: EFRD Industry research: IREB, ICAP Observers: The European Parliament, EU Member States, WHO, The Economic and Social committee, The Committee of the regions, International Organisation of Vine and Wine

17/33 EU Alcohol and Health Structure Plenary Session Open Forum Science Group Task Force on youth-specific aspects of alcohol Task Force on Marketing Communication

Labelling- Food information  EC adopted the Proposal for a regulation on the provision of food information to consumers  Based on: Council Directive 90/496/EEC (amended in 2003/120/EC) and Council Directive 2000/13/EC  From 2003 consultations with stakeholders on both general and food labelling  Impact Assessments

EC proposal on Food Labelling including alcoholic beverages  Alcoholic beverages like beer, wine and spirit are excluded from ingredients listing and nutrition labelling  Mixed alcoholic beverages will have such labels (like orange juice) However – a report is to be prepared 5 years after adoption

Eurocare position Eurocare position is: All alcoholic beverages should be required to state: Ingredients‘, Substances with allergenic effect, Relevant nutrition information like Energy value (kcal), Alcoholic strength (total grams), Health and safety warnings Partnership with EPHA, EHN, BEUC and other NGOs

Way forward on labelling MEP Renate Sommer (EPP-ED, DE) Rapporteur 13 October Opinion out November/December Discussion 7 January – Deadline for amendments February Discussion April/May Vote on Report in ENVI – ? Plenary

Health Warnings  Pre-tested health warnings determined by the European Institutions or MS  Rotating Health Warnings on;  Pregnancy – Commitment by Pernod Ricard  Driving  Operating machinery  Taking antibiotics  Risk of dependence  Health (liver cirrhosis, cancers etc)  Mental health, injuries, violence

French pictogram – since October 2007 All alcoholic packages require either: pictogram or ”Consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy even in small amounts can seriously damage the child’s health”

Health Warnings

Commercial Communication AMS Dir (2007/65/EC) Commercial communications: Art 15 - TV advertising & teleshopping for AB: may not be aimed specifically at minors or, depict minors consuming; not create impression consumption contributes towards social or sexual success; shall not place emphasis on high alcoholic content as being a positive quality of the beverages.

These ads appeared in French newspapers during the world Rugby cup in October 2007 and broke the French advertising law

Drink Driving 1 of 3 road fatalities in EU due to alcohol 0,2gr/l BAL for young and novice drivers 0,5gr/l BAL Intensive random breath testing Availability and affordability Drink Driving 1 of 3 road fatalities in EU due to alcohol 0,2gr/l BAL for young and novice drivers 0,5gr/l BAL Intensive random breath testing Availability and affordability

Binge Drinking Need for definition, proposal 60 gr alcohol men and 40 gr alcohol women 75% of EU citizens aged 15+ consum and of these 28% reported drinking more than 5 drinks on 1 occassion 37% men and 18% women binge drink once per week. Binge Drinking Need for definition, proposal 60 gr alcohol men and 40 gr alcohol women 75% of EU citizens aged 15+ consum and of these 28% reported drinking more than 5 drinks on 1 occassion 37% men and 18% women binge drink once per week.

Way Forward Continue to work on labelling, affordability, availability, commercial communication, taxes, safer drinking environments and awareness raising. See web site for events: 30.4 OPEN DAY under EU Alcohol and Health Forum 9.9 – Alcohol and pregnancy conference 21 – Swedish Presidency Expert conference

EUROCARE European Alcohol Policy Alliance Secretariat Telephone: Mariann Skar, Secretary General Ruth Ruiz, Policy and Communications Officer Emilie Rapley, Policy and Public Affairs Officer