Human Growth and Development
Discuss with a friend… What interests you had in elementary school? Are those things you’re still interested in or have the interests changed a bit? WHY do you think your interests have changed? Have you been given more responsibility? Why did we do the Life Map project?
ADOLESCENCE What is adolescence? The stage of life between childhood and adulthood, usually beginning somewhere between the ages of 11 and 15.
How does ADOLSCENCE happen??? Hormones I tell ya, Hormones… Hormones are chemical substances produced in certain glands that help regulate the way your body functions.
What GLANDS in my body control those chemical substances? The ENDOCRINGE….NO…JK….The ENDOCRINE SYSTEM What does it do? Series of glands throughout the body that regulate body functions
Pituitary Gland…I’ve heard of that… The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain. It produces several hormones that control the work of other glands and organs. It regulates the body’s GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT.
The Pituitary gland tells my body it’s time to GROW UP????????????????????????????? Yes, yes it does. It’s different for everyone. It’s like having an alarm clock set in your body. When your clock reaches the set time, it will RING…so to say.
Once the alarm clock (pituitary gland) wakes up the body…do I ask??? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?
What is PUBERTY? Puberty is the time when you develop physical characteristics of adults of your own gender.
Lets’ Compare, SHALL WE… Male CharacteristicsFemale Characteristics
Do males and females share puberty characteristics? Ok, what do we share?